Chapter 15- All Wrong

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*Another huge time skip because I'm lazy*

I woke up but Phillip wasn't there. This felt wrong, it felt weird. He never got up this early.

Don't panic, you're just jumping to conclusions, everything's fine. I kept telling myself.

I went downstairs.

No! It can't be. It was. How?

It was Phillip laying on a crumbled heap on the floor, Alonzo standing over the body.

At least Alonzo hadn't seen me, I tiptoed into the kitchen and got the biggest saucepan I could find.

I walked straight up to him and hit him with it, as hard as I could.

Phillip. I dropped to my knees. I couldn't feel a pulse. Oh my god. Was he dead?

I had to call an ambulance.

"Please state the urgency of your call."

"I am Mrs Carlyle, 421 Crescent Avenue. My husband has been stabbed. I need an ambulance and the police." I said.

Ten minutes later, the ambulance arrived.

"I'm sorry Miss, he's dead."

No. No! He can't be! He'd already nearly died. No. What was I going to do without him?! Please say this was all a bad dream and I'd wake up and he'd be there and he'd hug me and tell me everything was okay.

It was all wrong! He wasn't supposed to die like this!

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