Chapter 13- I Do?

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*There's a massive time skip, sorry!*

I'm standing at the altar. I'm about to get married, Father Simon clears his throat.

"If anyone can show a just cause why this couple cannot lawfully be joined together in holy matrimony, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." he says.

"I do! I do!" a voice yells. The room falls silent.

Mortified, I turn around. Alonzo?!

"What is your reason sir?" Father Simon asks.

"I'm in love with the bride!" he shouts.

Phillip turns to me. I smile weakly.

"I'll give the couple ten minutes to sort out the issue."

I storm down the isle and slap Alonzo hard across the face. Phillip runs after me, so does Gabe.

"Adi, you're not seriously going to marry this ponce?" Alonzo asks, I slap him again.

"Phillip is not a ponce and I don't want to talk to you!"

I grab Phillip's hand and pull him down a hallway.

"Who's that, baby?" Phillip asks, stroking my cheek.

"A childhood crush. I didn't invite him. I don't love him anymore and I don't want him here, " I sigh, "If we go back in there he'll just keep doing it."

"Then we'll shut him out."


"I'll push him out and you lock the door." It might actually work! I nod and we walk back towards Alonzo.

Phillip grabs his arm, "Allons-y Alonzo!" he yells, throwing Alonzo out, I quickly lock the door and he is left outside, angrily banging on the door.

We re-enter the hall. The priest goes through the speech.

"Phillip James Thomas Carlyle do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?" he asks.

"I do."

"And you, Adison Amelia Catherine Poole do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do." I say, smiling like an idiot.

"Then you may kiss the bride." the priest announces.

Phillip and I kiss deeply and smile. I did it, I married the man I love.

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