Chapter 12 - Home Sweet Home?

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We finally arrive in Liverpool Harbour, after a lot of sickness, I am so glad to see land.

"I haven't been back since Dad died." I  breathe, Phillip squeezes my hand.

"ALL CHANGE FOR LIVERPOOL HARBOUR!" a crew member screeches.

My sea-legs give way, I land in a crumpled heap on the floor.

"Mummy! Are you okay?" Dylan asks, worried.

"Mummy's okay baby." I say, getting up.

"The train leaves in five minutes let's get to the station quickly. " Phillip says, he grabs my arm to steady me.

"I felt the baby kick." Phil turns and looks at me excitedly, and places his hand on my stomach.

"Don't hurt Mummy too much Baby Carlyle."

The shiny red train pulls up to the platform, I pick Dylan up and step on, we find our seats and sit down.

The train starts and Liverpool slithers away into the background, I suddenly bowl over in pain. A stabbing pain in my stomach makes me wince.

"Adi, are you okay?" Phil says, worry flooding his perfect face.

"The... Baby. " I say.

"What? I don't understand."

"Touch it please, talk to it." I plead.

"Hello Baby Carlyle, it's Daddy. I love you so much, but you're hurting your mummy a little bit, so please be gentle." he says, with his hand on my stomach.

I feel a kick. I move Phillip's hand and he feels the kick too. He smiles at me and kisses my stomach then my lips.

I'm so glad I'm having my baby with him. He'll make an amazing father.

After ages, we are finally in Newcastle Town. Home sweet home?

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