Chapter 8 - Flames

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I gasp as I walk through the grand doors of the The Fitz Hotel. I've never been to a restaurant this posh. I'm fact, I've never been to a restaurant at all.

I scan the tables, searching for his shaggy blond hair. Finally finding him, I walk over to the table, tripping over the beautiful dress he bought me.

"Adi! You look beautiful. " he says, looking me up and down.

I smile. A waitor comes over and places a large bowl of caviar onto the table.

"Adi Rebecca Poole. Will you please do me the pleasure of marrying me? " he asks.

"Yes. Yes! A thousand times!"

He leans in and kisses me tenderly.

*Time skip*

The dinner was delicious and we walk back to the museum. A small boy drops his hat, so I run after him, just in time to see the museum being engulfed in flames.

I grab the little boy, who veers toward the building and bowl into the shop nearby.

"ADI! " I hear Carlyle scream, running around the corner with the boy just in time to see Phillip run into the blazing building.

Kamren sees me and grabs me.

"PHILLIP! " I scream.

Barnum runs into the building after Phillip and a few seconds later, returns with a severely burnt Phillip. I hug Kamren.

Seeing Phillip will be safe, I turn to the boy. "What's your name?" I ask.

"Duncan Lewis. My mom and dad got killed by Jesse James two years ago. No one loves me."


I smile at him and tell him: "Don't worry honey. I'll look after you."

He smiles and hugs me.

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