Chapter 9 - My Son

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I push through the crowded hospital, until I come to the front desk.

"I am here to see Mr Carlyle. " I say.

"Family only. You are?"

"I'm his wife, this is his son." I say.

"There's no Mrs Carlyle on here."

"I have kept my maiden name, Poole."

The receptionist nods. "He was burnt real bad, so be prepared. "

She peels back the curtain and I see him. His face is covered in burns. He ran into there for me. To save me. A pang of guilt surges through me.

I can here his shallow breathing so I take the seat beside his bed and hold his hand.

"Phil, I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can: I just want you to know that I love you so much and..." I'm crying now.
"I am so sorry, you ran into there for me. "

He stirs and grips my hand harder.

"A... Adi? I... Love you too. I'd run into a burning place thousands of times to save y-you. I've been waiting for you." He smiles and opens his eyes fully.

"Who's this little man? " he says playfully.

"This Phil, is your son. Well... adopted son." Dylan whimpers as I say the word 'adopted'.

"Just because you're not my son by blood, doesn't mean that I will love you any less. I truly love you so much Dylan. You're safe now, you have a family. You have a mommy and daddy who love you with all our hearts. "

He smiles and hugs me before waking over to Phil.

"I love you Daddy. So much."

Phil smiles. "I love you so much my son."

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