Chapter 11- Seasick

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It's been two days since we finalised the wedding plans. We've organised transport for all our guests and ourselves. We're going to stay longer, two weeks before everyone else and a week after everyone else. I need to see my family again.

"I've pre-ordered two ferry tickets to Liverpool Harbour. And two train  tickets from Liverpool Harbour to Newcastle Town." Phil says.

The man behind the counter nods and slides four tickets under the netting.

"Thank you kind sir." Phillip says paying him $20. We link arms and move over to the ticket inspector.

"TICKETS! SHOW ME YOUR TICKETS!" the man bellows.

We show him the tickets and as I'm about to walk through the gate, someone grabs my wrist and yanks me back.

It's Kamren. "Where do you think you are going?" he hisses.

"Newcastle. FOR MY WEDDING." I hiss back.

He just looks shocked. Crap! I never invited him.

"Phil can you purchase another adult ticket for the 10th of December? " I say pleading. He nods and walks back to the ticket office.

"Kamren, you are officially invited to my wedding." I say. "Can I go now?"

"Uh. Uh yeah, just be safe."

"I will. Love you." I say hugging him.

We walk over to the gate where Phil is waiting for me. I smile, take his hand and walk with him. We board the boat, and it pulls away.

"Phil. PHIL." I say becoming increasingly desperate.

"Yes honey?" he says.

"I feel sick."

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