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"Mama! Mama!" I cried as my daddy hurt her. He was being real mean to her, and she was crying and screaming and bleeding.

"You whore! You've given birth to the devil!" He screamed at her. My long (h/c) hair was messy from previously getting slapped. My daddy didn't like me. He was always saying really bad things about me.

"Daddy leave her alone, please!" I cried to him. Maybe if he saw me crying, he'd stop hurting her. Maybe he'd hurt me instead.

He looked at me, and let go of my mama's hair. He smirked and his gross teeth showed in a crooked smirk. "Aw, the little demon's got something against me hurting her mama? You witch." He kicked me in the stomach, hard.

It hurt, my stomach just really hurt. But I got really angry. As I cried through the pain, I felt my body heat up a lot. Daddy looked real scared of me. "Y-You monster! What's this witchcraft you're pulling now?!"

I screamed and stood up. Everything was bright. Like I could see fire everywhere. "Don't hurt mama!" I screamed out loud as everything went white for me. I heard my daddy screaming in pain. I was scared.

So scared...

And so tired...


I woke up on the floor. There was a lot of smoke and fire in my house. I was scared, and it was even worse when I saw my daddy, all burnt in the corner.

I heard my mama moan and I quickly crawled over to her. "M-Mama!"

"Oh (Y/N)... I'm so proud of you... so proud..." she reached her hand out to me, which I gripped closely.


"My sweet little fireball, you may need to live without me." She started crying, and those words broke me.

I shook my head fiercely. "No mama! No..." I started crying even harder.

"Shh shh... I need to tell you some things, (Y/N)..."

"Yes mama? Anything." I looked at her gentle face.

"That man over there..." Mama gestured over to the burnt body. "...he's not your daddy. He's my husband, but I met your daddy before I met him."

"What? Mama who is my daddy?"

She chuckled. "Little fireball, I wish I could tell you myself. He deceived me when he first met me, and while he wasn't a good guy, he was a lot better than my husband. And I know he loves you. He'll love you. Because..." my mother chuckled and pressed her palm against my cheek.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

I started to cry by this point, so I just cuddled her arm and told her how much I loved her before she fell asleep...

~Time Skip~

•New York City•

I walked down an alley way wearing a jacket and some shorts, while casually carrying a bag of food. I was currently eating some mcdonalds chicken nuggets and so I was very content with the world.

That is, until I heard a smug, gruff voice in the distance cat calling me.

I shrugged in disgust and kept walking, trying my hardest to make it apparent in my physic I was majorly annoyed.

Then, a large, bulky bald man with tattoos all over his arms cams out to greet me. "Hey there, pretty lady. What's a small thing like you doing out here?" He reaches to touch my (h/l), (h/c) hair.

He's surprised when I grab it and squeeze hard enough to bruise.

I stare up at him, my (e/c) orbs turning a slight shade of red. "If you try to touch me you better damn well pay the consequences." I smirk back at him.

He grits his teeth, and some more guys begin to appear out of the shadows. I sigh at this fact, because honestly all I was trying to do was eat my mcnuggets and go to my lessons. I really wasn't trying to waste my time on anyone today.

I'll just make this quick, then.

"Alright boys." My eyes and hair turned red as fire engulfed my body, changing my outfit into a somewhat flowy and loose dark burgundy dress, but it was covered by a red buckle up armor. ((^^ See above ^^))the dress went down to below my waist, while the armor went to my thighs. I also wore red boots, and i now held a spear.

"Now cmon, lets dance!"

Fire and Ice (Thor Ragnorak) | Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now