Chapter 13

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(Y/N)'s POV

I paced around throughout the Grandmaster's tower. I didn't know how to face Loki right now. He was a God, an amazing person. And I'm basically the demon meant to destroy his home.

I'm a monster.

I made my way to one of the seamstresses. "Excuse me, I was wondering if I could have different clothes to wear?"

"Ma'am, aren't you supposed to be with your hus—... lover?" She was about to say husband, wow, do me and him seem that close? Who knows.

"We... got into a fight." I lied.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." She went back into her room, telling me to wait there. She came out with a small, white cape, and a nice fitting dark blue shirt with black pants.

"Thank you, these are lovely." I smiled and accepted her gifts. "Do I need to pay-"

"No, you're fine ma'am." She smiled at me and walked into her room. O k a y ?

I quickly found a closet to change in before walking out back into the huge building. With a deep sigh, I make my way back to my shared bedroom with Loki.

Loki's POV

I walked around he halls of this damn building, looking for (Y/N). The only two places I could really think she'd go would be our bedroom or the dining hall. I stopped by the dining hall (where she wasn't) and ended up grabbing her some meat to eat, just in case she'd be hungry when I found her.

I don't think she'd really try to go back to our room: she doesn't seem to want to be near me. And I know she'd probably realize if she hid in our room we'd run into each other. She's smart. She's anything but an idiot. However, since she isn't an idiot, I know she'd probably come to the conclusion I wouldn't go back if she weren't there, and try to look elsewhere. Meaning in her mind, it would be a safe haven.

So, meat dish in tow, I began to march to my room.

(Y/N)'s POV

I sat on the bed, kind of wondering when Loki would come in. I missed him. I wanted to hold him, and cry on him and him assure me I'm not some hell spawn. I want him to whisper sweet nothings that I'm not the actual anti-Christ.

But also, there shouldn't be the need for that.

I hear footsteps approaching from outside and I panic, but not enough to move from my spot on the bed. The door to our home opens as the raven haired man walks in, his emerald gaze meeting my (E/C) sight.

He sets the plate of whatever he had down and ran over to hug me. "Darling, I love you."

"Loki, I'm a monster." Isn't usually one of the responses you'd give to that.

"And I'm not? You've seen what I did to New York all that time ago." He pulls away and stares tenderly into my eyes.

"But that wasn't you. That was... the mind stone." I countered.

He closed his eyes and looked at me. "I'm also not Asgardian."

I raised a brow. He had mentioned Odin not really being his father, but never really went into further detail. "What?"

Loki sat up, moving all of his body away from me. "I... am a Jotun. A frost giant." With a sad smile he confessed "The heir to the Jotun thrown."

I looked down for a second. I sat up and stared into his eyes.

"Show me."

The fear that coursed through his veins. I could see it in his face.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded and brought him closer to me, so I could sit on his lap and face him. "I want to see."

He closed his eyes, and his glamour fell. His skin slowly began turning blue with white markings decorating his skin beautifully. Two little horns grew on his forehead, and he opened his eyes; no longer green, now a beautiful red.

"I'm hideous."

"No." I grabbed the sides of his face and started kissing him. Surprised, he rested his hands on my waist and held me steady. "You're beautiful. And amazing. God I love you so much." I smiled brightly.

His blue skin didn't show it, but he was probably blushing from the expression he showed. "Darling, do you really think I'm beautiful?"

"Loki; I still see you. I... I only see you. No matter what."

He smiled, even in his Jotun form it was still that signature smile. He kissed me back. "(Y/N), you're remarkable."

I smiled gently. "You're not so bad yourself."

"What a clever girl you are..." he whispered in my ear. "However there's one thing odd about this."

"Yes, my love?" I mocked him with his flattery.

He stared at me, eyes perplexed. "My skin... is supposed to be cold enough to burn you. Yet... here we are."

I felt the shock go through me. "Huh... you're not changing it?"

"No ma'am." He joked.

"Maybe..." I lit my hand on fire. His eyes sparked and he placed his hand in mine, extinguishing the flame.

"Fire and Ice."

"Flame and Frost."

"Me and you."

"You and I."

Fire and Ice (Thor Ragnorak) | Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now