Chapter 10

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Loki's POV

I stared at (Y/N)'s resting face. She looks peaceful, even if her hair was a mess. I wonder if she had nightmares, considering her past?

My past haunts me. It probably always will.

I looked up out the window to the night sky of Saka'ar. It was peaceful here, at least for someone like me.

But someone like (Y/N) did not belong here. And I knew that. She was troubled like me, but she was also pure hearted. Eventually she'll just be tired of me. She'll get annoyed with me. Eventually everything she told me she loved about me, she'd use against me.

Still, I didn't want to lose her.

I held her close to me and stroked her (H/C) hair. I felt if I told her these things, she'd surely be tired of me and leave.

I wanted to guard myself from her. Use these little intimate moments sparingly so they never bore her or become dull.

I didn't want her to be afraid of me.

Her eyes squint and her brows furrow, and she lets out a little mewl to show she's awakening. I let go of her and gave away from her, closing my eyes and pretending to be asleep.

"Loki?" She gently calls out to me. "Oh god my head... damn." She nudges my arm. "Loki, did I do anything stupid?"

I smirked. I wanted to close myself off but I really did... enjoy her. I turned over and smirked.

"You made such a fool out of yourself I had to bring you back." I teased. "It would probably be wise for you to never be drunk, you know?"

"But..." she bit her lip. "That's not what I meant."

I raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

She sighed and looked upset or angry. "Nothing." She laid back down. "I have a headache. I'm going to sleep."

"(Y/N)?" I questioned worried.

"If you need me wake me up." And then she slipped her head under a pillow, leaving me in an awkward fear that I did something wrong.

(Y/N)'s POV

I don't remember much of last night, but I vaguely remember telling him to remind me of something when I wake up. He told me he would. And he didn't.

He lied to me.

It hurt, but I'm probably just over reacting. I do that a lot. He left a little bit ago, and I've been sitting in bed just staring out into nothing.

"(Y/N)?" I didn't even hear his footsteps enter. He sighed. "I apologize if I've done anything wrong. I..." he stopped. I glanced at him and he was looking at his hands. He was usually a master of words, why falter now? "I've made a lot of people hate me. A lot of people angry at me." He looked up, sadness in his eyes. "But I never wanted you to be one of them."

I stared at him in shock. Usually Loki teases me, or just makes me laugh. Intimacy is awkward for me, so that's usually how I like it. But...

"Loki, I don't hate you. I could never hate you. Even if I really wanted to. Even if you hate yourself." I got out of bed and crossed my arms. "I don't hate you."

Loki looked so scared. You couldn't notice it, only in his eyes. The way he stared, deep into his soul. I went over and touched his cheek. "Loki. I..." I smiled. "I love you."

He cupped my hand in his. "I love you too. So much."

My heart raced increasingly.

"Well, it was nice to get that out of the way." I hear Loki behind me. I turn and see Loki sitting cross legged on the bed, looking nervous but also smirking.

"Wha." I looked as the "Loki" holding my hand disappeared. I glared at Loki. "W h a t."

He sighed and stood up. "I do enjoy teasing you, darling." His hand gripped my chin and he  stared in my eyes. "Especially with a mirage of the truth. I love confusing you."

"What was that?" I question again.

"I wanted the opportunity to watch it from a third person perspective. My confession to you."

"Thats... kind of a mess." I smile at him.

"You do seem rather pleased, (Y/N)." Loki states.

"I mean yeah. I uh... I love you. Y'know?" I kicked my foot on the ground.

Loki chuckled. "I don't want things to change. I want us to still act as we always have. I just want to be able to show you off. Hold you. Love you. Is that..." he looked down. "Is that allowed?"

"As long as this isn't another hologram it's allowed."

He clicked his tongue. "I feel rather attacked."

"Interestin'." I smirk before leaning up and pecking a kiss on his cheek.

My head rushes to me as I feel sick. "Oh dang I'm still hungover."

"Probably, but it should wear soon." He held me close. "You should lay down. I'll come get you in a bit with food."

I nodded and lay my head down, peacefully.

Fire and Ice (Thor Ragnorak) | Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now