Chapter 6

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(Y/N)'s POV

My eyes slowly drift open, and I'm on a plush bed. It's heavenly to lay on, compares to the mattresses I called my bed. I snuggle further under the blankets, and then I realize...

"These aren't my clothes." I said. I had a long blue cloak on, long enough to cover my body, a black tank top and a pair of snug shorts that extended to right above my knees. Who changed me? And when?

I glanced around the room. There was a large tub of water in the corner, and a huge window. I looked out of the window and was... well what do you say to this?

It was a city, but mixed with a junkyard of sorts. Something you'd see from a dystopian society movie. And there were these... black hole looking things everywhere?

"What the hell?" I asked and got out of the bed to look outside.

"Ah, nice to see that you've awoken, darling." I heard a sly voice say. I turned and I see Loki enteric the room.

"Darling?" I questioned.

He sat on the bed and smiled. "I've convinced the ruler of this place that you're my mistress. Be content with that."

So many things flew through my mind. Ruler of this place? Where is this place? Who is the ruler? What's going on?


"Mistress...?" I glared. I whipped out a spear and Loki looked pissed.

"Put that away or he'll send you to the games." He looked pissed, but mainly concerned. I huffed and put it away.

"What's happening." I glared.

"Well, you've been asleep for a day. But we've landed on a place called 'Sa'kaar', a place for the lost as they call it. It's a barbaric place really. However, the Grand Master- or the leader of this place- has found favor with me. He runs a game of champions, a series of gladiator battles. When we first got here we wanted to know if you were worthy of being a contender, and if it weren't for me you would be thrown into a merciless gladiator battle." He smiled, as if expecting thanks.

"Uh huh." I stared at him. "What do you get from saving me, exactly? I'm pretty sure you hate me." I shot at him.

He looked shocked. His confusion melted into a superior feeling as he smirked. "You're right. I gain nothing from saving a hell whore like you. However, I don't feel you are worthless enough to die such a worthless death."

"Why do I keep getting called a hell whore? What did I do, why?" I kick the ground hard. My body begins to heat up and my eyes are warm with tears of frustration. "Who the hell is Sutr?"

" have no knowledge of him?"

"I've never met him. My mama..." I stop talking. Why should I tel Loki anything?

"Oh... I see someone has a case of childhood trauma... that's a predicament." And then he pressed his thumb onto my forehead and I passed out.

Loki's POV

I watch as the flaming haired child is beat, as if I'm watching a movie. "You demon!" A large, barbaric man screams at her as he beats her.

"Please, Peter! She's a child! She's our child!" An older looking (Y/N) with long (H/C) hair with grey swirling in here and there please to the unforgiving brute.

"Child? She's the anti-christ, Jade!" He screamed before turning his aggression onto the human. He proceeds to beat her with just as much, maybe even more, hate.

"Foolish, weak humans." I mutter, watching the scenario continue. The child's hair has returned to its normal color and it laying motionless on the ground. Weak, unable to defend herself. Yet this brute is even worse, evil incarnate. The things he's doing are unbearable even for me. Humanity is doomed.

"Don't hurt mama! Please!" The child cried. He ignored her pleas. "Mama! Mama!"

"You whore! You've given birth to the devil!" He screamed at the child's mother. He lifted the woman up by her hair and was ready to proceed the beating when the child spoke up again.

"Daddy leave her alone, please!" The child screamed again. However, not in a helpless way, in a planning way. A way that the child knew would save her mother, but in a self sacrificing way that she understood she would be beat.

The brute looked at the child and let go of the mother's hair. He smirked and his gross teeth showed in a crooked smirk. "Aw, the little demon's got something against me hurting her mama? You witch." The vile creature kicked the child in the stomach, and I heard a crack.

The child begin to wrap, but as she wept, her hair started turning red and she was radiating heat. Fire began to burst and crackle on her body. The man looked terrified of the child. "Y-You monster! What's this witchcraft you're pulling now?!"

The child was done weeping, and she looked vengeful. She opened her yes, full of hate, to reveal that they were now a bright read.. "Don't hurt mama!" She screeched in a shrill voice, equivalent to a banshees screams. The fire burst on her body and everything went white. I heard the man scream as he was being burnt alive. He begged for mercy but the child gave him none.

When the flames subsided, his burnt corpse reeked. The child, tired out, crawled through the flames of the burning house to the older woman. I felt this got a little too personal, and it isn't like I cared about these matters... so I ended the transmission of her memories.

I'm back in the bedroom with an odd understanding for this hell maiden. She was taken in by a parent not her own, and treated poorly because of it. Odin didn't beat me or anything, however I did relate with this woman.

But where as I was always spiteful, she seemed so carefree and joyous. How... how could she do that?

Her brows furrow as her body begins to move. Intense up, realizing what I just did. I quickly lay her back on the bed, and waited for her to awake.

Maybe I won't detest her company so much, now that I've come to relate with her.

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