Chapter 3

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My eyes zip open so fast it scares me. I sit up and immediately pet Biscuit. I can't quite remember the dream, but I know it was a weird one. "I should go to the Strange one." I went to sit up, but Biscuit whines at me. I sigh. "Cmon, you can come too." I say and pull out a leash.

I lift him up and let him crawl out the window before I myself hop on out the window. Then we make our way to Stephen's sanctum.

~Time Skip~

I jog up to the doors of his sanctum. I knock quickly. "Strange! Strange!"

Suddenly I'm teleported inside. "(Y/N)! I have a guest over, plus don't draw too much attention to yourself outside. What is it? And why'd you bring the dog."

"I had a really, really weird dream last night—" I say, looking for Strange. I hear his voice but he's not around. Then I'm suddenly in his library. "Oh thank god..." I drop Biscuit's leash and make my way over to the sorcerer. But then my eye catches something.

A large, muscular blond man, sitting and drinking a beer. His long blond hair is tied into a ponytail. I impulsively summon a spear and aim it. "Stephen, who is this?" My eyes glare at him. I have a feeling me and him won't get along.

The man looks at me. "I am Thor, Odinson. Put down that twig, mortal." I glare at him.

"I'll only listen to the one I trust in this situation—"

Biscuit runs up to "Thor" and stars to playfully jump up on him. Choking back my pride, I put the spear away.

Stephen looks at us with wide, annoyed eyes. "Alright if you guys are done introducing yourselves it's time to start looking for your father, Thor."

I feel like I was punched in the gut. He's helping Thor find his father? What about me? What about...

No, y'know what, I have up anyway. It's fine. I'm fine.

I cross my arms and stay silent as Stephen teleports around the sanctum, every time Thor slams into something. He isn't used to it. I can laugh at that at least. Until I notice Biscuit is getting dizzy and I hold him, comforting him through the teleporting.

"I'm gonna need a strand of your hair." I hear Strange say to Thor.

"You will not touch my- ah!"

I laugh at the thought of that guy getting a lock of his precious gold plucked.

I don't even really understand why I disliked him. I mean, he is one of the Avengers, and I've always admired every single one of the Avengers.


Something clicked within me, like a fire arising, when I saw him. And I couldn't put my finger on it.

We were teleported to the foyer, and I stood up. Strange seemed about done with his guest. After some fiddling with his hair, it formed a portal to... a grassy area.

"He's waiting for you."

"I don't suppose I could have my brother back?"


"Ah yes, of course."

Then another portal opened above, a black abyss. And then out popped a man in a black suit, who had long messy black hair.

And I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him attractive.

"I have been falling, for tHIRTY MINUTES." He screamed.

I chucked at that thought, and so did Strange.

"Oh, you find that funny?" He said and whipped out some duel daggers. In retaliation I whipped out a spear and aimed it threateningly.

"Loki..." Thor warned.

"(Y/N), cmon." Stephen paralleled the warning.

Biscuit ran over towards Loki, trying to be friendly and mistaking him as a play pal.

"Oh, don't any of you think for a second—" Loki began to threaten.

"Biscuit no!" I charged after to protect my dog.

"Alright, time to go." Stephen said almost bored, and with the swipe of his hand Thor and Loki were teleported to Norway.

Oh, me and Biscuit were also dragged along through the portal. Interesting. Yeah

Fire and Ice (Thor Ragnorak) | Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now