Chapter 1

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I stretched my arms out as I kept walking down Bleeker Street . Unfortunately in that fight I lost all my food in the process of beating them. I was really disappointed.

I approached the doors to 177A Bleecker Street. I quickly dusted off my hoodie and shorts, trying to clear all evidence of a fight. I really didn't want to disappoint him.

I kicked open the doors to the Sanctum. "Yo, teach! I'm here!" I called out. I listened to the silence as I heard a slight rustling, and I quickly projected an illusion of myself while I, of course, hid. The projection of me kept walking around. "Teach! Cmon, what are you, a coward?!"

The projection was swiftly sliced into nothing with yellow mystical circles.

"(Y/N), that was clearly a projection. It didn't have the complete details you as a person have." The man in the cape slowly floated down to me.

The man, the myth, the legend, Dr. Strange, my teacher in magic.

I mean, music arts of course.

"I was actually kind of proud of that tactic, Doc." I smirked at him.

He chuckled slightly before his face grimaced. "Did you not bring food today?"

Shit. "Oh, uh, I just kind of forgot it." I said sheepishly.

Doc stared at me for a second before analyzing me closely. He placed his hand on my forehead. "(Y/N), did you get into a fight? You're still hot from the flames."

"I'm sorry please don't hate me." I started panicking at the confrontation.

"I would never hate you, you're a valued student with a natural affinity for the arts." He smiles like a dad. "Now, lets see how we can work on your skills to work in battle."


I was breathing heavily from the practice. I hadn't used my spear, which pissed me off. "Doc, why can't I just use my spear instead of magic?"

He sighed. "Of all the people who along to learn the mystic arts and can't, I find it humorous that someone as naturally gifted as you would rather engage in the more natural side of it."

I thought about that and sighed. I went to one of the candles lit across the room and touched the flame, letting it rest on my finger tip. "...have you figured out anything about my father? Who he could be?" I looked at Stephen with pleading eyes.

He sighed and teleported is to one of his libraries. "I've searched, but it's a mystery. I even tried using your hair to find him but he's almost nonexistent. And it isn't like I've been able to find anyone who could have given you these... abilities."

I looked down at the flame on my finger tip, and the more frustrated I became with myself. I've known strange for 2 and a half years, and he's been helping me try to find my dad.

Two years and absolutely nothing.

"What if I really am a demon. What if I really am the anti-christ." I smile sadly at myself.

"(Y/N), you shouldn't say that about yourself." Stephen tried to assure me. I sighed.

I put on a brave face. "Sorry, sorry. Um... I think I'm gonna head home." I smiled brightly at strange before my fighting outfit burst into flames, revealing a baggy (F/C) hoodie and gym shorts.

Stephen shot me a deep glance of concern before sighing. "Alright. Stay safe." He said as we were magically whisked away to the foyer. I smiled at him and waved before walking out of those doors, back to the streets and made my way home.

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