Chapter 4

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"Stephen! I swear to hell if you don't bring me back!" I clutched onto Biscuit in fear. I shouldn't be here. I don't know how to get back.

"You mewling witch, hold your tongue." Loki snapped at me.

"Loki do not tempt her for if she strikes you I will indeed laugh." Thor silently said nonchalantly. Maybe he's not too bad. Loki lets himself be silent, at least he's not speaking to me.

However, I saw an older looking man in the distance and kept my mouth shut.

"My sons. Come." He called to Thor and Loki. I assumed this was their father, Odin. I stayed sitting down, awkwardly petting Biscuit.

He spoke to them about Ragnarok, and Hella. I just kept petting Biscuit and realizing how truly out of place I was.

"Child, come here." He spoke back at me. I awkwardly stood up and walked over.

"Y-Your majesty..." I gave a slight bow.

"Sutrsdottir, there is no need for that." Odin gestures for me to rise.

I looked at him. "What did you just call me?"

He looked confused. "Do you not have a clue of your heritage? I sense the fire of the demon Sutr within you."

"What does that mean?" My eyes widened.

"Child, you are the daughter of the demon who is destined to destroy Asgard."




Loki looked at me in shock and Thor looked on edge.

"Sir... why am I..."

"Children, I can not stay much longer. I walk on a different path. I can answer your questions no further. I apologize for that."

And again, that feeling of being punched in the gut came back.

"Do you see that?" He pointed out over he cliff. "This is home."

And then, Odin was gone.

Yeah, great.

Thor started arguing with Loki as I became numb and stopped listening for a bit.

I found out my father is some demon, destined to destroy Asgard? Cool. Dandy. Great.

Even better I know absolute zip about him.

Fire and Ice (Thor Ragnorak) | Loki X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now