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(Three chapters are posted every week! Stay tuned!)

Sweat trickled down my head. A crowd formed around me. Yet I kept my shades on. I'd prefer to keep some of my identity hidden. That way people wouldn't recognize me outside of the casino.

The crowd went silent as the opponent's hand was turned over. My heart thudded but I already knew what would happen. He would get a full house. A few people would cheer, but the crowd would go wild when I showed off my royal flush.

Sure enough, I had won all the money that was placed in the center of the table. The crowd went wild as they slapped me on the back and said I was the best player in the house.

I knew that cheating in a casino was illegal. But technically I was just using math. Very complicated math. To predict the cards. Card reading-yeah. That's illegal. But no one ever catches me.

I faintly smiled as my opponent cursed under his breath. Shoving the money in my tux pocket, I swiftly left the casino before the cameras could catch me. Shades do come in handy.

Despite winning all the money, I quickly spent it at bars. I didn't know what else to do. People think card readers are stupid cheating slobs. Cheating is somewhat true, but card reading uses a lot of math. More than people think. Which is why we are always on the run from police. And it doesn't help that my dad is a lawyer. I've had to keep it all secret.

I cheat because I'm broke. My dad hasn't offered to give me anything, so I run from police, take money, and keep it all secret from my dad. Phew!

I walked into a bar about a block from the casino. My junky truck didn't fit in with my tux and shades. The bar did, though. Many people had come from the casino and we're still wearing dresses and suits.

I sat on a bar stool. "Same as usual, Kyle?" The bartender, Ricky, asked.

"Yep." And within a few seconds, a beer was put in front of me.

After taking a sip, someone tapped me on the shoulder. I slapped the money I took on the table without bothering to look up. "I know. You want it back. Take it."

That's how it usually goes, people find me, call me a cheater, and take their money back. I'd prefer not to fight.

"Hey, bud, you're gonna have do better."

I slowly stood from my seat and faced my opponent. "What do you want me to do?" I snapped.

"More." The man demanded. By the way he slouched while standing, his speech slurred, he was drunk.

"Look, man, I have no more money for you." But before I got to finish, he punched me in the jaw. My head snapped back and my shades surprisingly stayed on.

"You'll regret that." Ricky said. I kicked the man in his leg and it made a sick crunching noise and he fell on his butt. I easily grabbed the money out of his hand and returned it to its rightful place; my pocket.

I straightened my shades, ignored the stares form people, took one last gulp of beer, and wished Ricky goodbye.

My truck sputtered to life. I didn't feel like sleeping in the car again. Besides, it was getting colder every day. I drove carelessly to my fathers one story house.

Luckily, the lights were on which meant he was home; probably working on some case.

"Hi." I said while shutting the door behind me. My dad barely looked up from his computer. He always ignores me.

"Dad, I'm living in my car. Can I stay here for tonight?" I asked and still no answer.

"Dad!" I yelled and he finally looked at me. "Listen to me! I'm living in my truck. Can I please stay here tonight?"

He stood up from his chair and slapped me across my face. I saw it coming miles away, but this time I didn't care to dodge it.

"You know what? I don't care that mom left you. She deserved better, anyway!" I slammed the door. That didn't last long, like usual.

I rolled my truck to a stop, since it broke down halfway here, and I found my way back to Ricky's bar. Ricky stared at me when he saw me and I flopped down on the bar stool.

Ricky came from behind the bar and sat down next to me.

"What happened?" He asked.

"The usual slap of the day. Except now, I didn't dodge it. I'm sick of it and I don't want to live like this anymore. Sure, I can steal money with my own brain. But I need an apartment or something."

"Yeah, I know. You tell me that everyday." Ricky began. "But that wasn't what I was talking about. Your face is bleeding above your eye."

I touched where he described and winced when my fingers came back red. "Maybe I should've dodged his slap. I forgot about his wedding ring. I don't even know why he still wears it."

"Listen, if you need to talk, talk to me. I can take you to my place or something."

"No, it's fine. I have my truck just outside. Now go! Serve your customers. Don't worry about me!" I said.

Ricky smiled. "Fine. But you're my customer, too." He prepared my usual beer and set it in front of me. I sighed.

"Just how I like it."

Suddenly, loud noise erupted from behind me and I nearly spit out my beer.

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