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I told Ricky what the note said and handed it to him, then stormed down the stairs with Ricky close behind.

"Don't get yourself arrested." Ricky warned when we reached the lobby which was still swarming with people.

I spotted Zander in the crowd and pushed my way past people, ignoring their rude comments.

"Zander," I said to catch his attention. He turned to look at me and smiled. Ricky led us out of the crowd and outside on the sidewalk where the sun was covered by clouds, leaving it eerily dark.

"What's up?" Zander asked. He still wore his uniform, as did most of his team. People quickly turned around and walked away when they saw him in his SWAT clothes.

"Is Jack also here?" Ricky asked as he stood next to me.

"Yeah... why?"

Ricky handed the note to Zander and he skimmed over it.

"Ashley wrote it." I said.

He pointed a finger at me and said, "You think that Jack works with George?"

I nodded. "It's proof! Ask Ashley. She will tell you the same thing."

He seemed to think for a second. "Jack was acting strange in the car. It was like... he didn't want to find you."

Zander picked up his walkie and asked for Jack. Someone on the other end replied, but I couldn't make out what they said. A moment later Jack came casually walking out.

"You called?" He stood by Zander and looked at us. "Nice to see you back, Kyle."

"I'd hold him in case he runs." Ricky suggested but Zander was already gripping Jack's wrist.

"Kyle found this. Anything we should know before we take you in?" Zander asked as he handed Jack the note. His face went pale.

"I-we- this isn't what it looks like!" Jack protested.

"We've all heard that before." I replied.

"George made me do it! He paid me." He struggled to get out of Zander's grip. By the look of it, Zander just about hated Jack.

"Save it for the cops." Zander smirked.

"He'll be arrested?" George asked.

"He will definitely get fired. Once they hear his plea, the judge will decide what to do with him."

"Zander!" Jack said. "I didn't want to do it... I'm sorry."

Zander grimly smiled. "You had a choice and you chose wrong."

Zander turned Jack around and grabbed cuffs out of his pocket. As he slapped them on, a police came running out.

"I got him. Heard everything from inside. You guys are quite loud." He had no facial hair and looked to be around fifty. "You sure know how to clear a road."

I looked around and realized that no one was on the sidewalk and barely and cars passed. It looked almost deserted. Jeez, how many crimes did this town commit?

"Thank you, Kyle." Zander turned to me once the cop pulled Jack inside a waiting cop car.

"All I did was find a crumpled up piece of paper."

"Yeah well, you helped save the reputation of the SWAT." He laughed. "I gotta go inside to do a routine check. Why don't you come visit the team sometime?"

I thought for a second. "I don't want to intrude on your cases. Plus, the cops around here have a long history of me on their record."

"Nonsense!" Zander said. "When they hear you're visiting a SWAT, they'll be shrinking back in their hats."

I smiled. "Okay okay. I'll visit. But please, under no circumstances, go to my dads house."

"Maybe I'll have to break in and put him in investigation after all the sneaking around he's doing."

Another SWAT member called from the motel, "Zander! Let's go!" By the looks of it I think it was Isaiah?

He smiled, glanced back at Ricky and I, and walked back toward the motel.

"So now what?" Ricky asked. I turned to face him and shoved my hands in my pockets.

"I don't know. Probably go to the cas-oh, right."

"What?" Ricky looked at me confused.

"I should probably go check in with my dad, shouldn't I?"

"Want me to drive you there?" He offered.

"Nah. I'll just call an Uber or something. Or walk down the street and meet a stranger who-"

"Get in He damn car." Ricky commanded and I laughed.

The truck squeezed to a stop in front of my father's house.

"I'll stay out here for you." Ricky said as I slammed his door shut and began walking up the driveway to his house.

Before I even reached the front step, the door swung open. Surprisingly, my father was in a nice suit.

"Kyle! I'm glad you're here." He stepped outside to meet me.

"Dressed for work?" I asked. I thought he got fired...

"Yes. Lawyer duty never ends."

...why so cheery???

"So, I was at the station and-did you testify for my case?"

He looked taken back by my question like he didn't see it coming. "No. I wonder who did..."

Though the mystery still remained, I was kinda mad that my own father didn't testify for me. Whoever did, I owe them a giant thank you.

"I see Ricky in his car." His faze drifted to his truck where Ricky just rolled up the windows. "Going out gambling?"

Of course. He's gonna give me a giant pep talk about why not to read cards. Only a few people in the whole world can do it! He should be downright impressed.

"How are you and mom?" I began before he could start his speech. He frowned.

"I'm not talking with your mother!" He hissed. "I went to see her once just to make sure she was okay. That's it!"

"Fine." I turned to walk towards Ricky's car, but after I took a few steps, I stopped.

I still faced away from my father when I asked, "Can you just please stop sneaking around?"

For a minute I thought he returned in the house, leaving me speaking to air. But then he replied, "I'll try."

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