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I unwrapped my hand and realized that it was infected. Without stitches it would only get worse. However, after finding nothing to use, I just wrapped it up again.

After a while, I found myself hugging my knees with my head buried in them. Crying.

My dad would always yell at me when I cried from getting hurt. But now I didn't care. No one did.

I vowed that no one could ever hurt me again. I won't let them. No one could tell me what to do. Not anymore.

I was on my own.

I rummaged through Ricky's jacket, even though I knew he would object.

Something crinkled in my fingers. Confused, I pulled it out. My heart sank as I smoothed it out.

It was a picture of Ricky when he was eight. He was standing in front of his dad and my dad was next to him. Next to Ricky was me, looking so dumb. I laughed. I was staring off into space in that picture.

I remembered when we all used to hang out together. Ricky and I would sneak off in the woods and play games. I would be the evil space invader and Ricky would be the determined space saver. If jump off trees and rocks while Ricky would dive under leaves and sometimes even into rivers.

But then things changed. As we grew older, our dads grew apart. Ricky and I would always sneak out windows to sneak each other, no matter the punishment.

Yet the thought of history just made me angrier.

"Past. Kyle, come on! I've got the whole series of transformers ready at our hideout!"

"I can't, Ricky. I don't wanna get in trouble." I called down to him from my window.

"Come on! You've done it thousands of times! Your dad wont even notice that you're gone. He's too caught up in work."

"I know I know! But I don't wanna risk it!" I hissed.


"Because! You know how he gets when he's drinking!"

"Fine, I'll come to you."

"No!" I lowered my voice. "He doesn't like me seeing you! You hate him, anyway."

Ricky finally gave up. I hated to disappoint him.

"Ricky, he hits me. And one day you and I both know it will go too far. It could happen to you or me."

He kicked some leaves on the ground and slowly walked away.

When I snapped out of the memory, I began to get angry at myself. Just sitting on a floor can get you really thinking.

I regretted the choice I made that day because later that night, Ricky came home to find his dad collapsed in the living room. Two days later his dad died from cancer. I could've spent time with him having fun. Making a memory. But instead I pushed him away.

Yet I was glad for Ricky. He would never stop talking to me after that. I'm surprised he is still my friend after all the times I messed up.

Why am I even thinking about him? I'm stuck on He floor with a sore ass!

Or maybe it was a sign to get the hell out of here. Jeez, my thoughts are gonna get me killed someday.

As quietly as I could, I pried the wooden board up and slid the keys out.

I bent over to pick at the chain lock, hoping to soon find the right key. George had ten keys on here for who-knows-what.

"What are you doing?"

I jumped out of my skin only to find Ashley staring at me. I wonder if she did it when I was sleeping... I suddenly felt uncomfortable with her staring at me.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" I asked and continued picking at the lock with each key.

"Because. You're the only one I talk to. George drugs the other girls so much that they want him to have sex with them."

That's sad. I felt sorry for these girls. Nothing could fix their childhood. It would haunt them until the day they die.

"What's your plan?"

"Get unlocked, take you and the girls, and leave."

"Hah! There is a flaw in your plan."

I stopped and stared at her. "What?" Usually my plans are flawless, especially when I have to escape from casinos.

"George has guns and gunmen. You have no idea where you are. And you might run out of gas. Or starve to death. Or be sleep-deprived."

"You got a better idea?" I asked frustratedly.

"I would take his cellphone."

I froze. "You knew he had a cellphone this whole time? You could've taken it!"

I looked at her and she grew red with anger. "I'm the one getting destroyed. Paid for by men to please them. I'm sorry if they drugged me too much to do anything."

And there comes another wave of guilt. "Fine. But not now." I replied and sat back against the wall. After hiding the keys again, I began to relax-which was hard.

"Why? Next time George comes, you might have a chance. You have to start planning." Ashley said. I really wished that she was right. She always guided me through things and made the smarter choice.

"Just... give me a second."

"Don't you dare sleep. The more time you waste, the more lost you get and the more infected your blood gets. It will only get harder and harder to wake up." She warned but I stopped listening.

With heavy eyelids, I fell into the first deep sleep I've had in a while.

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