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I ripped part of Ricky's coat-which was extremely hard- and used it to wrap my hand. It was thicker than my shirt so I wouldn't have to replace it so quickly. Besides, he will probably forgive me. Maybe...

I sat with my back slumped against the wall bored. I don't know how I could be bored when I was kidnapped- I guess it comes naturally.

A white piece of cloth slid under a crack in the wall which made me jump. I reached over to pick it up.

Why did you want to save me? You just killed yourself. What's your name? -Ashley

For once in a while I actually smiled. I had nothing to write with so instead, I gently knocked on the wall.

I heard feet shuffle towards me.

"I'm Kyle." I quietly said, almost in a whisper.

"Ashley." I could see half her face through the crack in the wall.

"If I can get my phone from George, we can get help. They can locate us through my phone if I call the cops long enough!"

"Kyle, don't! George is stronger than you think. He shot you and he will do it again. I know he is planning something gruesome. You won't survive more than a week." She warned.

"Do you have a better plan?"

She hesitated. "We were all safe until you showed up. Now we are in the middle of nowhere. The more trouble you cause, the more we get hurt! Stay out of the way!" She hissed and then disappeared deeper into the room.

George walked in and ordered the guards to stay outside. He closed the door behind him while I stood to my feet.

"I see you wrapped your hand." He began. I ignored him. "What did you say on he phone?"

I kept my mouth shut while eyeing his gun.

"I've got all day. Plus your phone. Which, by the way, only had enough battery for one call."

"This wood is fragile. It can easily break. What's stopping me from breaking out?" I asked.

"You have no where to run to. And I have a gun."

My knife! I realized I had tucked it into my shoe at Ricky's bar.

"The truth?" I asked and told him to come closer so I can whisper it. He did so and I whispered: "I told them your a dick."

I knew I couldn't hurt George since his guards are armed. They would come running in.

George chuckled. "True, Kyle. I am a dick. But I'm not stupid."

He slammed the door shut behind him and my heart slowed down. I was relieved I was still alive and still had a chance to escape.

But even if I did escape, I would have to take George's car- which would mean stealing his keys.

Eventually, I found myself dreading sleep, but it overtook me anyway.

I ignored the splinters digging into my hand as I tried desperately to saw at the wood with my knife. It turns out that this wood is layered with two pieces of wood on each wall, so though it was old, it was thick and sturdy.

Eventually I gave up and crawled back to my corner. Sleep had never come fully. It was more like a rest; not fully sleeping. Though exhaustion crept over me, I forced myself to stay awake for fear that George or Ashley or something would happen.

For example, earlier in the night, or day-I don't really know anymore, George came in and instead of interrogating me more, he chained my ankle to the floor and walked out. But hey, at this point I'll let him do anything if it means one more minute of life.

Outside the door, I heard my phone ring and had a sinking feeling in my gut; that's the last phone call before my phone dies.

I heard arguing on the other side of the door and then George swung the door open, throwing the phone at me.

"It's for you. Say anything and I will kill you." He held a gun aimed at me.

Frantically, I fumbled with the phone and held it to my ear.

"Kyle, are you in speaker?" A voice said. Only I didn't recognize it; it was male and was unlike Ricky's.

"No." I stumbled to find the right words.

"This is the police. Ricky told us you were taken. We need to know some things. Are you Hey? Where are you?"

"I don't know. I- it's dusty. Deserted town. Is my dad there?"

"Your dad is aware of what is happening. He and Ricky are both here. Can you give us any names?"

George cocked his gun as a warning.

"No. My phone is dying- I can't!" I began to panic. This is where I die.

"Kyle, do you have any idea where you are? We get that it's rundown old town, but we need to know where you are."

"Ricky, Ashley is here, too. She only comes at night. Find her parents. Promise me you will. So she can get back safe."

"Kyle, tell us whe-" Then my phone beeped twice. I held it in my shaky hands. It's dead. But why couldn't they just track me down?

"You crosses the line, Kyle. And it's only gonna hurt Ashley." George threatened and let the room.

Frustrated, I threw my phone across the room and it broke to pieces on the wall.

Ricky's POV

"Why does it say Unknown? There is no place or number or anything." I asked.

Once Kyle's phone went dead, his dad went hysterical and left the room. Only he was also with Kyle's mother and I despised them. They didn't actually care about Kyle so why pretend to?

Kyle's phone call literally said UNKNOWN with no other information. So it was lucky that we even got to talk to him. We can't trace him down without information. He could be hurt. Or we could get ambushed.

"So now what?" Asked the Sheriff to his team.

"With no information we can't just go to him. But we do know where he is. His call was along enough to pinpoint where he was." Replied one man next to me.

"What if Kyle is moved?" Asked another.

"Listen up!" Began the sheriff. "I have partnered with the FBI. We are working together to solve this case. For now, get any background information you can on this Ashley girl." He barked.

My nerves were over the edge. Having the FBI involved??? That meant this case wasn't only dangerous, but people could be killed.

Damn it! What have I gotten Kyle into?

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