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The image of the girl kept replaying in my mind. Even when I closed my eyes-she was still there. She was... Beautiful. She didn't deserve that. No one does. She was taken away and abused. Nothing will stop me from getting her safe.

As usual, I forgot where I put my truck. I do that all the time- at groceries, movie theaters, etc. I could go on forever.

Exhaustion fled over me and I didn't feel like going back for my truck, so I just walked the mile home.

My dad was sitting on the couch watching the news like usual when I walked in.

"Hey, come sit." He began. "Now we can finally talk." He smiled. I hated to crush his smile.

"Ugh," I began. Wow, of to a great start, Kyle. Great start. "I... Can't."

He looked confused. "Why?"

"Because I don't feel that great." Which wasn't a complete lie... I didn't feel good. I felt exhausted and began to feel a migraine.

I collapsed on the couch besides my dad.

"What happened to you?" My dad asked carelessly.

"Don't. Ask." I commanded sternly.

I found myself dozing off for ten minutes then waking up repeatedly. Finally, I drifted into a wake-less sleep.

"You can't save her." Ricky replied.

"Yes, I can and I will." I protested.

"Kyle, by the time you find her, she will already be dead."

"You don't know that! Maybe police found her and saved her. You just don't know!"

Ricky was about to say something else when he turned on the television. On it was a report of a missing girl found dead.

"No. That's not her." I began but then her name appeared.

I began screaming and yelling at Ricky.

Ricky fought back and we both raised our fists in sync. As if reading each other's minds, we punched each other simultaneously in the jaw.

I woke up not on the couch, but on the floor. My knee hurt-probably because I fell off the couch.

I moaned. Once I steadied myself and massaged my throbbing knee, I stood up and found my dad staring at me curiously.

"Have a nice dream?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

Suddenly, a thought occurred to me. My dad saw me pause.

"You okay?" He asked and he laughed a little, probably because I do the weirdest things. I'll start laughing out of nowhere.

"Im gonna go to the store. But when I'm back, which should only be half an hour, we can.. Talk."

"But we don't need anything!" But before he began his sentence, I was already out the door.

I was actually going back to the motel. I began to think I was going crazy, but I convinced myself I wasn't. I was just gonna talk with the worker... Maybe.

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