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The lady at the counter had luckily not given up my room.

"You never brought back your key, so I couldn't give it to someone else."

I didn't mention to her how I lost it. Or how trashed the room was.

I didn't even bother going to my room. I didn't care about cleaning it up, anyway.

Instead I went straight to Ashley's room.

The man who kept watch recognized me again and seemed more afraid of me than he was before. Probably because I choked him last time we met.

"Give me ten minutes."

I shuffled through my pocket but found no money.

"No money, no entry. Besides, the girls aren't available." The man commanded.


"They are busy making the boss happy."

"Fine. Let him know I'll be waiting."

I retreated down the hall when a dark, dark thought entered my mind.

I knew the cameras would catch me, but Ashley could be hurt. And the thought of that gang made me sick.

Besides, I'll run away like I always do and cover my face.

At the end of the Hall, I made the climb down the stairs and entered another long hallway of rooms.

These rooms seemed worse than mine; just the outside of the rooms were lined with a thin layer of grime and dirt. The lights in the hall were dull and some were completely out, which made it seem eerily.

I never paid much attention to this place until now. With every step I took on the carpeted hallway, I would sink slightly. Like the wood underneath was severely rotten but not yet broken.

Great. Let's hope I don't break a board underneath me.

I pulled my hood further down my face, careful not to be fully seen from camera view.

I stopped at a fire alarm that looked like it hadn't been used once. It just collected dust and spiders.

Glancing down the hallway and making sure it was clear, I kept my head down and pulled the alarm.

At first I didn't expect it to work. Then I thought I was just hearing things. But when people began to rush out of their rooms, I knew the alarm was working flawlessly.

Instead of fleeing the building like everyone else, I pushed past the angry and grumbling mob. Every once in a while someone would swear at me to get out or to stop pushing, asshole. But I ignored them as I made my way back to the stairs.

I didn't even know there were this many people in the motel, considering it to be a dump. But I was even more shocked to find the stairs full of people.

"Move! There's a fire! Get out! This building is going down!" I shouted and that caused even more panic. But luckily, they seemed to clear out quicker.

The fire alarm was louder than ever and caused me to have a headache. Which I regretted. Why did I do this again???

Finally, tripping over the last few steps and out of breath, I came to Ashley's room. I was looking for her on the stairs, but never did see her.

Panic started to fill me as I worried that I missed her. She could be headed it another town by now! Fleeing the building!

But I quickly calmed down when I saw the George filling the girls out of the room. Then Ashley joined the group of girls who were accompanied by not only George, but two of his bodyguards with guns. There was no way to get Ashley.


I swear, someday my ideas are gonna get me killed.

A woman with a son came out of the room next to me and exited down the stairs. But before her door to her room closed. I caught it with my foot and quickly stepped inside.

I shit the door behind me and now found myself in that woman's room. I tried not to snoop around, but only pressed my ear to the door and try and hear the gang walking by.

The fire alarm made it impossible to do so.

So I took a chance. Taking a shaky, deep breath I assessed my options.

1) Wait till they pass and miss my chance to grab Ashley
2) Go our blindly and risk George seeing me
3) Get shot by George's guards trying to escape.

I silently counted to ten, and was almost positive the alarm was making me crazy. Or at least not think straight.




I quickly opened the door and found the girls walking quickly past me, the guards already having passed.

Ashley saw me and looked like she was afraid. She shook her head no and then it struck me. If I take her now, George might catch her and hurt her.

Or worse.

I tried to blend in and walk besides her; which was impossible. But before George could catch me, I whispered into Ashley's ear:

I'm helping you all. Obey George. Stay alive. You'll soon be free. I promise on my life.

She mouthed over the alarms:

Don't. You'll only make things worse. Go away!

And then George noticed us falling behind. I knew the consequences this could cause for Ashley, so I ran up to George.

"George! I need to talk to you! Now!" He looked at me stunned for a moment. Then, he directed his two bodyguards to take the girls to the 'van.'

Then the alarms turned off as soon as the girls left.

"You pulled the alarm."

"My dad is a lawyer. I will do whatever you want, pay you whatever you want. As long as you release those girls.

"Kyle, Kyle, Kyle. My boy. The price you would have to pay is ten new girls. But I know you won't do that. Now either you leave, or I call the cops."

"None of your threats are gonna scare me, George." I knew he was gonna ask how he found out his name, but I continued. "Go ahead. Call the cops. I'll be out of here easily. But just low this. Nothing is gonna stop me from saving those girls. Especially not someone like you."

"I know." He pulled out his phone. "But the cops are already on their way. They will be here in about 60 seconds." He smiled a wicked smile and laughed.

"See you in jail." He left through the door that lead to the stairs. But then he did something I didn't prepare for. He slammed his gun down on the handle and it clanked to the floor.

That left me. Locked alone. On the second floor.

Bait for the cops.

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