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I sighed. Knowing Ricky wouldn't let me borrow his gun, I decided to tell him the truth.

"The girl was at the party. That isn't a lie. But she was raped. Sexually abused by this gang leader. I know where he is staying and I bought a room in the same place as he. The motel a few blocks away. He has a gun and if I'm gonna save this girl, I'm gonna need one."

At first, Ricky didn't say anything which worried me. Then, he simply... Nodded.

"Okay. I'll give you the gun. But come here every morning and evening. If you don't show, I'm calling the police. Then your dad. This is serious. For all we know, this gang leader could be hunting you down as we speak."

"I know, I know." I said.

"Promise me, something. Kyle, promise me that you will not give up."

"I promise, Ricky." He was always good at conversations and speeches.

"I see the determination in you. I know that I can't stop you. Just don't get ahead of yourself."

"Okay. I'll call you when I'm home. I'll go to the motel tomorrow."

"Okay. Drive carefully." Shit. I left my car a few blocks away. It was probably towed.

"I'm walking. Long story. Don't ask." Ricky rolled his eyes and I began the cold walk home.

"Hey, Kyle. Let go to dinner." My dad said as soon as I walked in. Before I had any time to object, he already dragged me into the passenger's seat.

"Dad, are you drunk?" I asked since his words were slurred.

He chuckled.

I rarely saw my dad drunk. I mean, he's a lawyer! But when he is drunk, it's bad. Something bad happened and he is drunk over his mind.

"Pull over." I commanded.

"No! We're goin tdinner."

"Pull over!" I yelled. He swerved to the right and slammed into a car. When we rolled to a stop on the side of the road, the driver in the car we hit was already calling the cops.

"Shit! Why do you have to do this? Put me in danger!" I yelled. He stumbled to find the right words and I knew I had to leave before the cops found me. I already got lucky once, and this time I might not be so lucky.

I opened the passenger door and heard my dad call out for me. I couldn't leave him; he would be arrested for DUI. But he could be out in a few days with a lawyer. Me, well, I would be in jail for years.

I ran back the way we came and luckily, my dad hadn't gotten far. Once I was back within the town, I dialed Ricky's number.

"Home already?" He asked immediately.

"Hi, I'm good. Thanks for asking." I replied sarcastically. "I'm coming over to the bar. Again. I need a place for the night. I promise I'll have it clean by dawn."

"Okay. I'll stay overnight with you." Ricky knew better than to ask why and I hung up.

Once I got back to the bar, again, I was freezing even through my dad's jacket. I was hoping the police wouldn't find me. My dad would tell them I was with him when he came to.

"Jeez, Kyle!" Ricky said once I walked in. "It's freezing outside!"

"Thanks captain obvious." I replied. Ricky had the heat on and I soon felt too hot to wear my jacket and just left my t shirt on. Despite the late hours, the bar was still open. Yet few people were there since the casino closed early today.

I knew Ricky was waiting to hear what happened so I told him everything.

"Wow." Was all Ricky could say for a while.

I could feel a cough coming on and hoped it was only that.

"Ricky, the motel is just a few buildings down around the corner. I left my ID there."

"Don't go now! What if that gang leader comes back? Or a cop finds you?" He asked.

"I gotta get my ID! If a cop finds me, I will need my ID. And you gotta run this bar." I motioned to the few people around us. I suddenly remembered my knife in my pocket and handed Ricky's gun back.

"I was stupid to even ask for it." Ricky began to protest like always. So, I added, "Stop before I punch you."

That shut him up.

As I unlocked the door to my room in the motel, I noticed a feather point out of the bottom of the door.

Slowly and unsurely, I opened the door and my eyes went wide. Pillows were ripped open and thrown carelessly about, the couch was flipped over, the bedsheets ripped apart, the bathroom flooding.

Something crunched under my shoe and I bent down to pick it up to reveal crumpled note that read: Stay out of my business. The girl is not yours to have. Leave while you still can.

"Kyle, I don't want to hurt you." A voice behind me made me jump and I spun around. Of course it was him. "But you're dealing with things that are far more dangerous than you think."

I pulled out my knife from my pocket and fiddled with it in my fingers. "How do you know my name?"

The man smiled and took out my ID card. I cursed under my breath. Now he knew my name, my birthday, how old I was, where I lived, and my family.

"And I know who you are, Kyle Grayson. I know you run away from cops. I mean, if you just search your name, you're the first article that comes up! If you try and see that girl, I'll have the cops looking for you before you can blink."

Of course. He will lie to the cops about who he is and what I did to him. I'll be arrested for life with all my past crimes.

"I know." Was all I said. The man smirked and threw my ID in the ground as he walked away.

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