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I didn't tell Ricky what happened. I never told him about the ID or my trashed room. I simply just told him everything was fine. And that no one was in danger, although we all know that isn't true.

"Did you get your ID back?" Ricky asked.

"Yep. It is safe in the hotel. I don't think I'll need it tonight."

"Kyle, everything you're saying is very sketchy."

I couldn't take it anymore. I snapped.

"What do you want me to say! The cops arrested my dad and are probably looking for me and I have to stand by and watch a girl's life get ruined! My truck got towed and I have to carry a knife to protect myself when I steal people's money!"

The few people in the bar was silent for a few seconds and just stared at me. I hate when people do that. After what seemed like forever, they went back to their usual talking.

A tear steamed down my face. "Ricky, I don't know what I'm doing. I have nothing!"

"Kyle, it's okay. Take a break." Ricky said and we hugged for a while. "You okay? You feel like you're burning up."

"I'm fine." I said even though I knew I was getting sick. It was probably form walking in the cold with no coat.

I guess I did just need a break from all the stress. After deciding to go to the motel tomorrow, I felt exhausted. I should since it was the early hours of the morning. The bar was nearly empty now and I laid my head in my arms.

Finally, I fell asleep at the bar.

I awoke shivering, despite the heat flowing throughout the bar.

"Sleeping beauty awoke from his deep slumbers!" Ricky startled me and I nearly fell out of my chair.

"What time is it?" I asked as I looked around. Ricky had already served all of his customers in the overcrowded bar. Daylight shown through the few windows.

"Noon. Busiest hour of the day."

I still felt like crap and when I went to the restroom, I still found myself as pale as snow. Ignoring the headache coming on, I walked to the motel.

The overly optimistic lobby attendant greeted me with smiles galore. I rolled my eyes. Like the night before, my hotel room was still a disaster. I grabbed my ID card and out it back in the safest place I could- my back pocket.

Hearing footsteps down the hall, I quickly closed the door and locked it. I pressed my ear against the door to hear and the footsteps got louder and louder as they approached.

Please please please keep walking, I prayed. They stopped at my door and I held my breath. After a minute or two went by, they kept walking until they reached the elevator.

I listened for the ding of the elevator and once it came, I heard them enter it. I released my breath as it squeaked down. I could be paranoid; it could've just been a random dude or lady. But I cud only just jump to conclusions. Or maybe I was just crazy...

I slowly opened my door and looked down the hall in both directions; it was empty.

Taking a deep breath, I walked towards room 248.
I waited for a minute or two after knocking before someone finally came to the door.

A man shorter than me appeared with a white beard and bandana covering the top of his head. Tattoos covered his arms and neck. He had a scar on his cheek from his ear to lip.

Something tells me I didn't want to mess with him. He, too, probably was armed with a knife or gun.

"You gonna pay me?" He asked.

"Pay you for what?"

"That's why you came, isn't it? You're the one who called to see her." He pointed behind him but covered the doorway with his body so I couldn't see who.

"Oh, yeah. I called earlier. Here." I handed him everything in my pocket which was about $100.

"You got five minutes." He said and exited into the Hall, leaving the room for me.

I closed the door behind me and the man waited outside.

A girl was on the bed, her makeup smeared. She wore a shirt so long it went down to her knees.

Her hair was a mess and the place was trashy, like a party went out of hands last night.

She was the girl I saw last night.

More girls were scattered around the room; they were sitting on counters, chairs, the floor, while playing cards or lighting a cigarette.

"You gonna just stars there? This is what you came for." One of the girls said. She stood up from the floor wearing just underwear.

"Come on, make your move." She smiled and walked closer.

"I came for her." I pointed to the girl on the bed.

Ignoring the others, I walked over to her. She seemed frightened. Almost everyone in here seemed scared or distant.

"My name is Kyle. What's yours?" I asked. She swallowed before saying, "Ashley."

"Times up." I heard the man call and the door swung open.

"Here." I said and shoved a note in her hand.

The man noticed and began to get angry when I grabbed Ashley and kissed her.

"Alright, enough. If you wanted more time, you should've paid more." The man said.

I let go of her and was relieved that the kiss made time for Ashley to hide the note.

Once we were in the hallway, the man demanded more money.

"Since you stayed longer than I said, you owe more."

"I don't have anymore."

He got angry. But before he could do anything, I grabbed his arm and twisted it around his back.

"I payed you what I owed."

He grunted. "Okay, Okay! You can leave."

"You sure? I thought you wanted more money?" I twisted it even more.

"No! Leave! I don't need anything!"

I let go of his arm and he cradled it like he was holding a baby.

As I left the building, I prayed that I hadn't just gotten Ashley in more danger. Hopefully she will burn the note.

Or flush it down the toilet.

Either way works for me.

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