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I was relieved when he just hung up instead of throwing it out the window. But then again, he will have it. What if Ricky calls? I might've gotten Ricky a ticket to hell.

"What were you saying? You were talking weird." George asked.

"You heard me. I meant exactly what I said."

That was a mistake. The girls behind me was gossiping among themselves and George ha don problem with that. But I guess I wasn't allowed to speak.

"You think I'm stupid!" George yelled and it went so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

He looked in the mirror and slightly nodded his head to the guard with his gun pointed at me. The guard lowered his gun to my hand.

My heart began to race as I knew what was about to happen.

A shot rang out and the girls screamed.

Ricky's POV

Shit shit shit.

"Where are you?" I asked.

He said a strange sounding sentence and I wrote it down quickly. I don't know. That's his message? Things just get from bad to worse...

There was a crackle in the other end and the line went dead. I had a feeling he wasn't the one who hung up.

I ran a shaky hand through my hair. Kyle was taken. Was he hurt? This is my fault.

"Hey, gonna serves me a drink?" I turned around to find a man angry from not getting a drink yet.

"You're lucky this bar is between us. Now, get out of my bar."

The man was at first confused but then, after seeing me in distress, walked out.

I honestly didn't know what to do and began freaking out.

I knew Kyle didn't want police involved, but it's too late for that.

I slowly took out my phone and, facing away from customers, dialed 9-1-1.

"911 what's your emergency?" A lady asked on the other end.

"I got a call from my friend. He was taken hostage by a gang. I don't know where he is he didn't say." I spoke so fast that I was sure the lady didn't understand me.

"Where are you now, sir?" She asked.

"24531 Brewly Lane."

"Ok. I'll send an officer over right away."

I hung up after that and decided to close up.

"Everyone," I shouted from the top of my bar. "I'm closing up today. You need to leave ASAP. It's an emergency. Money will be refunded."

Everyone began to grumble but slowly made their way out. I had a reputation around here that wasn't always pleasant. So usually, people followed what I told them.

A few panic filled minutes later, when the bar was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, the cop arrived outside.

"Are you the one who called?" He asked as he entered the bar.

"Yes! My friend needs help. His name is Kyle and he was taken and might be hurt."

The cop sat down across from me on one of the bar stools.

"Are you related to him?"

"I'm his friend. The only one he's got."

"Where was he last at?"

"The motel around the block. He was there because there was a gang there- they take girls and abuse them. He witnessed them do something to a girl and wanted to help her. But he never came back here."

"How do you know he was taken? Did he call?"

"Yeah a few minutes ago. He said he was taken and needs help. He said it in a code we made up as friends. Then he hung up."

"Alright. What did Kyle do as a living? Are his parents still around?"

Oh. Right. Forgot about that. I couldn't answer those questions! It would make Kyle look like a criminal! Lying would get me arrested

"Just please. He needs help. Get the damn FBI or something. But ask useful questions."

This cop was really annoying me. How is he so damn calm?!

Kyle's POV

Now I truly knew what George was: a monster.

I couldn't even wipe blood from my hand because he strapped it back into the seat.

I groaned in pain and tried not to look at the bloody mound which was now my hand. I'm just glad my fingers were still intact.

"You're destroying their lives!" I hissed.

"Shut up!" George yelled but I continued.

"When I escape with everyone in this car, I'm coming to look for you. I swear I will kill you myself. I have nothing to lose- the cops are already trying to arrest me anyway."

He didn't respond which made me nervous. But I didn't show it.

George rolled to a stop and I looked out the window. It was a dusty area and few people were around. Shops were closed and some looked close to collapsing.

Out George's window was a dull looking building that was all wood. It was one story and was layered with inches of dust.

A broken mailbox indicated that he owned the building. No one could find us here. It was a perfect spot for a sexual abuser/drug dealer.

I was grateful for George taking me after all- despite my injuries. If he hadn't taken me, Ashley would be miles and miles away from me.

But George didn't need me. He only took me to put an end to mi investigation. He wouldn't hesitate to get rid of me and stop worrying about me exposing him. I feared that would only mean death.

George and his men lead everyone inside the building with me lastly. I cradled my hand and prayed it wouldn't get infected. But I've had worse...

Once inside, George put the girls into the first room we encountered. I only saw a glimpse of it; dusty and cracked.

He then filed me into the room next to theirs; dusty and cracked.

"A guard will be placed outside both rooms, so don't attempt anything. And I'll deal with you tonight." George instructed and then closed the rickety door.

Finding nothing of use on the floor, I realized I would have to remove the bullet from my hand with my fingers.

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