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George had pressed the off button so the ringing went silent.

"George, if I don't eat anything I'm gonna die." I said and the guards shifted. I knew George didn't care, but I had to warn him.

"Please, if Kyle dies, you can't use him." Ashley said. He looked at her through the mirror and she sank back in her seat. The other girls also looked frightened and pale.

After no one said anything for several minutes, he finally gave in.

"Fine. There's a gas station up ahead. I'll buy you something while the guards stay here."

He pulled into the gas station and stopped next to a gas pump.

"I have to go with you." I blurted. George had the door half open and turned to look at me. "I need to use the restroom."

It was a lie, but luckily George bought it. With a flick of his hand, the guard blocking me form the door stepped out and I followed.

"Walk in front." George commanded as the guard climbed back in and slammed the door.

As I passed George with an evil eye, he followed me into the small gas station. It was as big as a bathroom; it only had four aisles and a tiny restroom in the back.

"Go, but I'll be on watch outside your door."

The clerk eyed me curiously, probably because I had blood on my face. I walked to the back of the room and opened the door with a creak. George smirked outside just as I closed it behind me.

The bathroom was a sewer; the toilet overflows, the sink nozzles are broken, dirt everywhere, cracked lightbulb. But to me, this was luxury.

I looked around frantically for an escape, but the window was as small as a piece of paper.

Maybe if I just locked myself in here, George would-

"Hurry up!" Came a knock at the door. "Times up!" I didn't wash my face mainly because I wanted people to notice me. To notice something was wrong.

Reluctantly, I unlocked the door and opened it.

I followed George to the check out. He had plopped a pop tart and water on the counter.

"Rough day?" The clerk asked as he began to scan the water.

"Motorcycle accident." George explained.

"I don't see a motorcycle in that van." He pointed out the dirt at our white van.

"Mind your own business." George snapped. The clerk scanned the pop tart suspiciously.

"What your name, son?" He pointed a finger at me.

"Kyle." I blurted, knowing George was against me speaking.

"Do you know this man?" He asked, referring to George.

George tightly grabbed my arm. "Let's go." He practically dragged me to the door. I clawed at his arm, trying to get him to let me go.

Suddenly, the clerk ran from around the desk and up to George.

"Let him go." He commanded.

"Who are you to stop me? He's mine." George duh his nails into my skin and I winced.

"Kyle, do you want to go with him?" The clerk asked.

I couldn't leave the girls behind. If I didn't rescue them, they would die.

"I have to." My voice came out as a whisper.

Suddenly, the clerk swung a gun from behind his back and hit George on his head. Almost immediately, he collapsed to the ground unconscious.

"Do you always have a gun on you?" I asked.

"I have a permit. Relax." The clerk out his gun back in his belt. "I already called the cops."

"Why? He had two guards in that van with ten other girls. They are gonna leave!"

I was about to run to the van when a gun cocked behind me. "You're not leaving. I don't know who you are! You could be a murderer!" The clerk said and pressed the cool gun to the back of my neck.

Though it was obvious he wouldn't shoot me. The cameras were filming everything and the cops are coming. He would get arrested.

I casually walked away from him.

"Don't move! I'm armed!" He said, but I ignored him.

"Relax, I'm not leaving as long as that van doesn't." My voice echoed in my ears which made me sway on my feet. I held the walk to steady myself.

He put down his gun sheepishly. "You knew I wouldn't shoot you, didn't you?"

Suddenly, my heart lurched forward. Where was George?

Where he was laying was now empty, replaced by a dusty shoe print.

I turned to the clerk and he looked at me curiously. Slowly, I placed a finger on my lips telling him to be quiet. His eyes widened.

As I pointed for him to go behind the desk, he tip toed there and kneeled behind it. I almost laughed out loud at how stupid he looked.

Carefully walking so I made no sound, I searched the aisles. As I rounded the corner of the last aisle, the floorboards under my foot sent out a loud creak.

I froze. George stood at the other end, his gun pointed directly at me.

"Kyle Kyle Kyle. You had your chance to survive. But you blew it."

I didn't have the strength to speak anymore, so I just watched.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement outside the window. Please be a police car...

George walked towards me so his gun was the only thing that separates us. He's murres girls. He wouldn't hesitate to shoot me.

"Please, the police are on their way. It's over." I croaked. My throat was dry from no water.

Suddenly, the doors slammed open and I heard shouting. But then I heard another noise-a noise I was regretting.

A bullet went off.

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