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First Zander arrived with Tyler and Jack. We barely spoke considering what we were about to do. We knew all the risks.

While we were putting on our vests and loading our guns, Isaac and Winnie arrived. They were already geared up.

Judging by their glances and smiled at each other, I was pretty sure they were a thing.

"If you hear any bullet go off that isn't ours," I began while tightening the last strap of my vest, "Don't hesitate to shoot. We can't risk any of you getting hurt."

"I contacted the headquarters. Luckily, they fully support our plan and have teams ready for back up if we should need it." Winnie replied.

"I thought you were gonna say that they support your relationship." Murmured Isaac.

Tyler rolled his eyes.

"All right. Let's load up in my van. I got seven seats."

Jack drove while Zander occasionally muttered directions. He was looking off of the location from Kyle's last call.

Winnie sat next to Tyler and Isaac and I were in the back. Let's just say the ride their wasn't comfortable-a bunch of dudes crammed in a van with guns.

If you can imagine your whole family in a tiny car all cramped together after a fight, that's what it was like.

"Damn! They took him all the way to Georgia!" Isaac said.

"Yeah, exactly how much longer do we have?" I asked.

"About two hours and fifteen minutes."

A collective sigh was passed around the van.

"There is one teeny tiny problem." Isaac added. "Kyle's phone is no longer transmitting his current location. It stopped hours ago."

"So it's dead?" Winnie asked.

"That or he is." Muttered Tyler.

"Or he is not with George. And George has his phone." Zander replied which seemed like the best idea since last time I talked to Kyle, he quickly hung up.

"Can someone please open the window back here?" I asked. "Isaac here gets carsick, and he's not puking on me."

"I'm not gonna puke!" Isaac said while punching me hard in the arm. Although, he said it with uncertainty in his voice.

"Jack, you're quiet." I said, noticing him driving cautiously. It seemed like he was studying something and he kept looking around at our surroundings.

Finally, he said, "Don't you think they will be expecting us? I think when we get into the town, we should set off on foot for a few feet. Too cut the engine or something. Or at least spy on them to make sure it's the right guy."

"We can pair up by two and surround the doors. Cut the engine a few feet away so they don't hear us." Zander suggested.

"Ok." Winnie agreed.

The walker talkie crackled to life on my belt which scares me out of my seat.

Zander laughed. "Commanded of a SWAT team and scared of a walker?"

Ignoring him, I picked it up. "Squad six, reporting in."

"This is the special units director. Are you there yet?" She asked.

"Not yet. Getting close."

"Backup received intel about Fast and Furious." That was the name we had given to this mission, mainly because the gang was fast and furious. "They are on the move."

"Should we pursuit?" I asked. By now everyone in the van had guessed what was going on.

"Affirmative. We can't afford to lose them. We are tracking them on a map through his phone. Follow Fast and Furious, but don't crash! We can't hurt anyone."

"Copy, on our way."

Now everyone was on edge.

Kyle's POV

My ribs hurt like hell every time I breathed. My vision kept getting blurry, so I had to shake my head to get focused. My infection, well, it's not better! My arm is getting swollen and I feel weaker than ever.

Then I started panicking. What if I don't make it out? What if I don't save Ashley? The strangest thing was that even though I never had a real talk with her, I still loved her. But she could trust no man anymore. She hated men, didn't she? They betrayed her-abused and raped her. Made her their property.

Bored out of my mind, I stared up at the ceiling on my back. There were no lights, just wooden planks with spiderwebs.

I closed my eyes and just thought about Ricky. What is he doing right now? Is he freaking out? At his bar drinking? Or just hanging with the cops?

I wish he would get back in touch with his family. I knew somewhere inside he lived them, unlike me. I have never felt love until Ashley.

And it's weird. There are so many emotions-worry, fear, love, passion, rejection, safety, comfort... yet I love it.

The door swung open and I heard multiple footsteps cross the room. I flung open my eyes and struggled to sit upright.

Then George nudged my foot and I spat at him, the spit landing on his shoe.

"Get up!" He commanded. We're leaving." Then I was confused. Ashley appeared in front of me and knelt down to examine me. All the other girls were also in the room.

"What's happening?" I asked her.

"We do it every so often. This time more often than usual. We move from place to place to keep unnoticed and get new customers." She said like she's said it a thousand times.

I knew it bothered her to say that, but she explained it to me anyway.

"Can you get up?" She asked.

"Don't help him! We leave him here if he doesn't get up!" George yelled. His booming voice startled Ashley and her face went pale. Reluctantly, she stood up and backed away towards the other girls. Otherwise she would've been beaten.

I stumbled to my feet making me dizzy form sitting too long. Yet I tried to show no pain.

I didn't dare ask any questions and we all filed into the van and I was yet again in the front. George driving, then guard, then me. Very cramped.

The girls mumbled among themselves and with a rumble, the van came alive.

"Where are we going?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

"Away." Was all he said. The guards glared at me.

Suddenly, George's phone rang, causing all of us to jump.

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