56 - 3/15/18 - fuck this bitch in particular

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So my school did the walkout today because we didnt have school yesterday and this bitch, let's call her Rachel, had the nerve to talk shit about it. 

So as soon as we get to our next class, Rachel is going on this rant about how people were just doing it to get out of class. 

She called everyone that went to the walkout a cumslut because "no one knew a single name of the victims." Like ok bitch I dont think you do either. 

Then she insisted that literally everyone that did the walkout was doing it just to get out of class. Like ok maybe they did but maybe people also went to stand up for their right to not have to worry about not coming home alive. 

I wanted to punch her. But I didn't because suspension is a thing. 

So instead of punching her, I spoke to guidance after lunch and told her what happened and they're gonna take care of it. 

I still can't believe that she seriously thinks that. I'm not surprised, but come the fuck on, dude. 

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