117 - 10/25/18 - fuck my dad

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My dad has proven to me that I can't talk to him about my concerns with Trump. 

When it comes to politics with him, it's like talking to a wall, because he believes that our country is doing sooooo well. 

Why yes, father, our country is doing well by putting asylum seekers in detention camps and limiting our free speech. Our country is doing well by stripping LGBT+ people of their rights, especially trans people. 

My mom asked what Trump's proposed trans bill was about, and I tried to tell her what I read off the New York Times, which is one of the most credible news sources in the country, and my dad cut me off saying that I won't explain it right. Then he continued spouting off his beliefs of what's happening and pissing me off because he knows that I won't fight back. 

He also makes socialism sound like a bad thing. Like yeah because you're paying a little tax money for people to get the shit that they need to live. Fuck off mate.

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