154 - 2/11/19

46 5 0

I'm supposed to start T on Wednesday and just my luck it's supposed to snow that day. 

So yeah, Dick complained about me leaving school for my endo appointment last week when I told him that I was going to be leaving. He was working on a project by himself which I understand why he was irritated but like, he could have communicated with me about it. 

Instead of talking to me, he decided to talk shit about me to Brendon's boyfriend. He showed it to me and I went off on Dick. Essentially I said, "I know you talk shit about me behind my back and I'm sick and tired of your shit. Stop or I'll cut you off and never talk to you again." 

And then he tried to play it off as him just being in a mood and said that he wasn't talking shit. I called him on it though. 

TL;DR He thought that my health wasn't important and talked shit about me to our mutual. I went off on him and took no shit.

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