62 - 3/27/18 - yall already know i fucking hate english

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um yeah so long story short people were being phobic and ignorant in English class yesterday and talking shit about queer people again, and I didn't want to hear it so i just left. Like literally just walked out 

The teacher was trying to make a point and brought up lgbt issues, and Rachel of course doesn't see how queer people are oppressed and was all like "people are just changing their pronouns every other day nowadays" "there's only five queer people in this school" like um bitch just because only five people are out doesnt mean that that's all there are in the school. 

And she was all like "what do i call the person then if i don't know what they wanna be called" and then I was like "hey um they/them is a thing" 

and then one boy insisted that they/them is plural and that we were talking about a singular person. 

I didn't want to hear it anymore so i left. 

I went to the library first but then left because there were teachers talking, so i went to the office and they let me hang out there and i told the principal why i was there when i was supposed to be in class. 

I got to see Cam after school so that was good. He took me to get ice cream then we went to his place and cuddled. Then he took me to Red Robin and i got chicken strips. He's also helping me gauge my ear. I'm gonna see him again today!

Oh btw Cam's my cuddle buddy :D 

Update: We talked about derogatory language in class and rachel was complaining about how she shouldn't have to censor her speech if she thinks that something is "gay" and how you never hear about cis straight white people experiencing bullshit and i was just sitting there like "maybe that's because white people have oppressed other people for literally hundreds of years" 

Because it's kinda true, white people basically committed genocide in order to forcibly claim America. They made black and Asian people into slaves, then afterwards discriminated against them for being black or Asian. 

I'm honestly ashamed to know people like Rachel, but you can't fix stupid. 

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