125 - 11/15/18

60 7 1

So you know that whole dysphoria debate? 

Well I discovered that it was started by a cis girl on tumblr who pretended to be a trans girl literally for attention and asked people for money to transition but used it to buy video games. 

Like for real someone asked if she was MtF and she literally said no

Her tumblr was idislikecispeople but she's since changed her URL. 

Learning about all this pisses me off because like 

do you know how unbelievably transphobic it is to fake being trans? Like, you're literally fetishizing the trans community and making look like a fun and trendy style, when it's literally hell on earth. People see it and think that being trans is a joke. 

I didn't come out and transition to be told that im looking for attention. 

I really don't want to be rude but this makes me angry

Oh and she was also extremely rude to trans men

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