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"Hello, I'm Jennie, I'm part of Blackpink." Jennie bowed as well before sitting down. "I don't have a lot of time though", she said to Tablo. "I haven't eaten all day and I have to go practice our dance."

"Don't worry, we won't keep you long", he said kind of distracted and then played something on his computer. It sounded nice, like something she wanted to do since she started training. Jennie bobbed her head, thinking of rapping to this. It could work.

"Who made this?", she asked, a bit curious. It did sound like Epik High, but she knew this Yoongi guy was also a producer.

"Tukutz and he did it together", Tablo said and looked at Yoongi.

Jennie nodded. "I could rap to this. Should I write something and we'll see how it works? How many bars?"

"That would be the best probably." Tablo sighed. "But don't put in too much effort, we still have to talk to his CEO and to ours if  you can feature on our track. You know how protective he is of you girls. And we don't know yet, we would try a few things later probably."

She sighed and met Hayi's gaze. "Yeah, I know. I still have to practice writing, so I could use this anyway. That's why I went here after all. Do you have other female rappers in mind?"

"Not really, yet", Tablo said and sighed. "Normally we let the ones from our company feature but Chaerin is really busy with other stuff and we don't want to take Lisa and you. I have a few in mind but nothing's certain yet."

Jennie nodded and bit her lip, thinking. "So the theme is haters? Anything special, do you already have a chorus, what else do you want me to know?"

"It's about fake rumours", Hayi said. "They wanted to be more specific this time. You shouldn't have any problem on this front, right?" She raised an eye brow and then grinned.

"There must be some rumour going around that I could relate to this", Jennie said with a matching grin. "Nah, I'm kidding", she added quickly to come back to the professional setting and also remembering how much she was able to relate to this topic.

"We haven't exactly figured out everything yet", Yoongi said. "It's really still work in process."

"I'm sorry again for disturbing", Jennie said and looked at the floor. She should have just gone to dance practice than nothing would have happened.

"Don't worry, Jennie", Tablo said. Jennie didn't know why, but in the presence of Tablo everyone felt welcome and comfortable. He was such a warm person. "Could you listen to the beat a bit in your spare time and try to write a few bars? I'll give you more information when we know more."

Jennie nodded. "But will the CEO even agree to this?"

"Don't know", Tablo said. "But I'll give it a shot. We won't even be properly promoting this song and you know I really like your flow. Yoongi here does too."

Jennie looked at him surprised, but nodded. "Okay, I'll try to write something. I really have to go though. Can you send me the track? Hayi, can we talk tomorrow about something?", she asked, remembering the actual reason why she came here. "To whom can I message the lyrics when I finish? You?"

Tablo nodded, then suddenly stopped. "Could you exchange numbers with Yoongi as well? He works on this with me", he added, looking at Yoongi.

She thought a moment, but couldn't really find a reason why not. "Sure."

After she exchanged contacts with him she finally stood up and bowed to everyone.

"I really have to go now, I'm sorry again for intruding here." She smiled at Hayi and then left the room. When the door closed she let in a deep breath. How would she be able to do this on top of all the comeback stuff? When it wasn't even certain they were going to let her do this? She still wanted to write something good though, to impress Tablo. And that guy as well. Jennie was pretty sure he was a producer in his group and their songs were good. She couldn't just embarrass herself and the rest of the girls.

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