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check out my new story! it's also mostly yoonie, but not as slow burn as this one, even though it is getting better.


They fell into a routine after that. Writing during the week and meeting up for short amounts of time on the weekends, hanging out in each others waiting rooms until they got sent out by the managers. It was easy talking to them - in so many cases they shared similar interests to them, had the same passion, even a similar humour.

Jennie found she loved talking to Taehyung about fashion, to Jin about cooking and to Yoongi about pretty much everything. They weren't that similar as Jisoo had said in the beginning, but she sure could see where she was coming from.

Talking about her childhood was a weird topic, since they came from so different backgrounds. It helped that Jin had one similar to him, and that despite everything they still shared similar concerns in their early days. Jennie remembered how surprised he was when she told him that her mom first didn't want her to be a singer.

"I'm an only child and my dad ... isn't there", she had explained then. "She worries about me so much and wanted me to have a stable job. She still does, but she supports me now."

"Dorms must have been hard for you then", he'd said.

She'd shrugged. "Not that much. I've always wanted to have a sister and then I got so many. Some of them I had to let go, but I've found the best friends you can have. And they understand when I need my alone time."

They had laughed and Jennie'd felt like looking at a mirror. No matter how much differences and similarities she discovered, Jennie would always think that their laugh was the most noticable.

Sometimes she looked at their new friends and see something of their members in them. The natural aegyo that came to both Chaeyoung and Jimin, only to be replaced by a natural sexyness when they wanted. The way Jungkook and Lisa both always tried to make them all smile, because Jungkook seemed to love his members nearly even more than Lisa did. The way Seokjin and Jisoo battled themselves in saying stupid stuff (if Jennie had to hear one more bad joke she'd kill someone) but were always there for everyone as the respective oldest.

Most of the time Jennie felt actually happy that they made new friends. She had actually finished writing her rap part and Tablo'd said that it was awesome. Yoongi and her compared theirs and he'd looked at her and said nothing for a while. Then he'd just smiled at her.

Jennie didn't know how she felt about him. She didn't even talk to Jisoo about it, since everyone just slowly let go of teasing her about him and she didn't want to start it again. They were friends, sure, but sometimes Jennie felt like she could watch him do anything forever. Talk to him forever. Do nothing with him. He sometimes did the most stupid stuff with Hoseok and Jennie just sat there, trying to look disapproving but wanting to smile so much.

She missed him when BTS stopped promoting - her and the girls were now promoting their gift song - but she missed every single one of them. Maybe it was nothing.

They sent pictures of their world tour and Jennie felt kind of envious, but then stopped. They were also having a tour this year. Maybe not as big, but they were still rookies. She stopped entirely when she saw how tired they all looked. She watched some of their interviews they did in other countries and felt somehow proud that they got better in english. Jennie remembered fondly the first time her and Chae had spoken in english in front of them - like they did all the time, they just switched naturally between the languages.

"Can you teach me how to speak like this?", Taehyung had asked. "Namjoon is the only one who speaks good and I want to help him."

They had helped them after that, like they also helped Jisoo. It seemed to be good for her too, being around other people who didn't speak the language fluently. Jennie laughed when she remembered how Jimin sometimes said words in an australian accent, just repeating what Chae had said.

It wasn't noticable now. Namjoon must have practiced with them more, making them speak more in an american accent. Probably a good choice. Jennie had seen how their fans had taken the opportunity of their overlapping promotions as well, making every bow at encores and every little eye contact seem like the ultimate love confession. Some made her laugh, like the one where she'd smiled at Jimin. Who couldn't smile at Jimin? And everyone who knew them saw which of them the little guy really liked. But others were very accurate, way too much. Like the one where Lisa laughed at something Jungkook did and tried to imitate it subtly. Or Jin not so secretly telling Jisoo a joke. Or her staring a bit too long at Yoongi smiling at his younger members.

She tried not to look at him on stage, she really did. But sometime's she couldn't help herself, especially in moments like these, when he actually showed his true feelings on his face.

Sighing she shut off her phone and put on her sleeping mask. Tomorrow she'd meet him again, maybe she could figure out her feelings after that.

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