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Yoongi had left then very soon because he wanted to rest before he met with his friends. Now it was time for them to go to the hair stylist, and just as Jennie'd predicted, they talked a lot about him in the car ride.

"You know, I don't think they are that similar", Lisa said to Jisoo.

Jennie sighed and looked out of the window. How was this important enough that they had to discuss it?

"That's because he doesn't know us well", Jisoo disagreed. "I've seen him with his friends and he is very different then."

"I feel like he cares a lot about them", Chaeyoung said. "Like Jennie loves us even if she sometimes acts like she doesn't."

Jennie somehow had to agree. But still ... this was just too much. "Just because we both care for our friends doesn't make us similar at all. Can't you find something better?", she asked and then regretted it in an instant. This would make her friends seriously compete.

"You have the same smile", Chae began. "You know, when you show your gummys?"

"You are both short", Lisa added and Jisoo hit her. "Hey!", she exclaimed. "It's the truth!"

"Yeah but this is a very boring thing", she said. "Try something like how they both agreed that their friends are stupid and then both had this look on their faces that showed how much they actually don't think so?"

"Okay", Lisa said. "But think of it like this: they also have a lot of really small things they are similar in! Their height, they are both rappers, they both love sleep, they are both the second-oldest..."

"Wait", Jisoo interrupted. "How do you know that? Taehyung told me their ages but you've never really met them all, right?"

Jennie looked at them surprised. She hadn't aktually known how old he was either. So how did Lisa know it?

"Oh that." Lisa grinned. "When you said that you'll maybe work with him Chae and I looked him up. Do you know that there are already people shipping you just because you are so similar?"

"Ship ship ship", Jisoo said happyly and immediatly began to make rap. "Sometime's she's chic chic sometime's she's shipped shipped..."

Jennie stared at them, not really believing what was happening. "This is stupid", she decided. "How about we don't try to find anything that doesn't exist? We are not even close."

"You could be", Chae added - not - helpfully. "You have his number. Use it."

"I already did", Jennie said.

"Really?", Lisa asked excited. "When? What did you talk about? Teeell us."

"I asked if he could send me the track and he sent it to me. And then said that any lyrics could still wait." She shrugged and gave Lisa her phone, showing her the texts. "That's it."

"Oh that won't be your last conversation", the girl decided and than started typing something.

"Lalisa Manoban!", Jennie screamed and tried to get her phone back. "What are your trying to do?"

"Relax", Lisa said. "I'm not going to send anything without your approval. But really, the guy said again that you could write him. Do it. He's nice. Let's make friends."

Jisoo nodded. "You know she's right, Jennie", she said.

"Let's just write him that we're all thankful for this afternoon and that you look forward to working with him, okay?", Chae said, this time with actually helpful advice.

"That's more or less what I had written, too", Lisa agreed. "Maybe good luck on his promotions? They are coming back next week, too."

They were right, Jennie thought. And if he didn't want to talk to her, he could just ignore this message. Sending it would be the polite thing to do, obiously. "Okay", she said. "Send it."

"You do it", Lisa said. "I've written the message but you should press send."

Jennie took the phone, read through the message and looked at her friends. "Whatever happens after this is all you fault", she said while hitting send.

If only she had known what would happen in the next couple of hours. 

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