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How excited are you for all the comebacks in May? I really hope that YG will announce something soon ... 

Oh and I finally did change some things in all the other chapters. The only important thing is the concept of the song - it's basically a Born Hater pt 3 now. If you don't know that song, check it out and No Thanxxx as well (that's Born Hater pt 2)!


It was a few day later that Tablo called her, when she was currently eating lunch with the other girls.

"Do you have time right now?", he asked after a greeting.

Jennie looked at the clock. "I'm eating right now, but my next schedule is in an hour. I have time until then."

"You're in the cafeteria?"

"Yes", Jennie confirmed and looked at her plate, the food not yet touched. She was very hungry. All morning long they had finished the dance for their title song, perfecting it in every single detail. They had been a bit stressed these last days because they had to change one part again and now they were happy to at least having completed the routine. No more changes.

In the background she heard Tablo speaking to someone else before he again talked to her. "Mind if we join you? We wanted to talk about the song, you know?"

"Sure", Jennie said, slowly, wondering who the 'we' could be. Him and the rest of Epik High? Yoongi? Their CEO? Even though she didn't believe the latter.

"Great!", Tablo said. "Okay, we'll see you soon."

"I'll be waiting", Jennie said and waited until Tablo hung up. Then she stared at her phone a bit, astonished. It seemed like she would be featuring in the song. Wow. She couldn't really process that thought.

"What's up?", Lisa asked her and waved with her hand in front of her face. "Hello? Jennie?"

She finally looked up and layed down her phone. "Tablo's coming to eat with us", she said. "He said they wanted to talk to me because of the song."

"So it's really happening?", Lisa asked, looking at her with big eyes and open mouth. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!"

That finally made Jennie laugh. "I don't know for sure, but I don't think he'll come here to tell me that it won't happening."

"I doubt it", Jisoo agreed.

The door opened - Jennie had been watching it all the time - and she stood up, greeting them. Tablo and Yoongi, luckily not the CEO.

While they were getting their food the other girls gazes shot at her. Apologetically she raised her hands. "I didn't know, he was coming too, okay?"

Jisoo grinned. "You know, this could be funny", she said to Lisa and Chae. "I don't know him that well, but from what I have seen, these too are very similar."

"Really?", Lisa asked with wide eyes, clearly excited. "How do you think this will go?"

Chae joined them, holding their hands in the middle of the table. "Wich side of Jennie is he most similar to?"

Jisoo shrugged. "You'll see", she said with a misterious smile.

"Hmm", Lisa made an disappointed face. "Tell me more!"

Jennie sighed and watched Tablo and Yoongi come to their table. Chaeyoung saw them also and shushed Lisa and Jisoo, who were now sitting straight, careful not to miss anything.

This will be an exhausting ride, she thought, thinking about how they were going to talk about all of this in length on the ride to the hair salon. And here she was expecting to take a nap.

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