Wednesday |04|

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September 9th, 2020

With graduation on the horizon, you honestly have no time to worry about much. You only had a few months left of your high school life, and you were planning to spend it studying. Though you did make sure to save a little time for the light of your life, Kageyama Tobio.

You hum while walking to the gym, bringing lunch to your love. He hadn't shown up at your class, so you figured he was overworking himself. Again. Though you spot something that makes you stop in place and gasp.

"(B/f), that bastard! She was planning to confess today and didn't tell me?!" You mutter to yourself, sliding behind the vending machine. She was confessing to the tall and salty hunk Tsukishima Kei. She had wanted to do so since you were all graduating after all. What happened next honestly surprised you.

"You? Like me? As if. This has got to be a joke. Who put you up to it? (F/n)? Tadashi?" Tsukishima asks, his eyes surveying the hallway. (B/f)'s eyes widen, and she tears up the slightest bit. She gasps slightly and throws down the letter she has. Pulling out a container she throws it at him. The contents spill out, revealing a piece of strawberry shortcake. Tsukishima's eyes widen.

"It wasn't a joke you bastard." She says, her body shaking violently. She turns around and stomps away, Tsukishima watching her walk. The look on his face is one of pure shock. Almost as if he had been rejected, when he had actually been confessed to. Shaking your head you walk away, deciding not to get caught up in it.

You arrive in front of the gym doors, eager to see your beloved. You throw the doors open in a flourish.

"To~bi~o!" You sing, eyes surveying the gym. Though oddly enough, he wasn't there. Your brows furrow in confusion. Volleyballs were scattered everywhere and the lights were still on. He had definitely been there, though where in heavens name had he gone? Looking left and right, you spot the male changing rooms door open.

"Aha! He must have been changing to come and see me!" You say, laughing triumphantly. You put a smirk upon your face and begin to saunter towards the locker rooms. However, your pace dwindles as you stand in front of the door. A light panting sound could be heard echoing from the room. Hesitating slightly, you take a deep breath and shake out your arms.

"Nah." You think, walking into the locker room confidently. Turning a corner, you spot Tobio bending over. His hands seem to be on the bench, and he's breathing quite harshly.

"Knew it." You think, a bright smile lighting up your face. You run up behind him and throw your arms around his midsection, a cry of laughter leaving your lips. You feel Tobio stiffen underneath you. The sound of cursing resonates through the room, though it doesn't belong to Tobio. Peeking your head around, your eyes widen in disbelief. There sits a girl with a pretty face and long red tresses. It appears as if Tobio's hands hadn't been on the bench, but on said girls shoulders. His face sits mere millimeters away from hers. You jump back from him, your bento crashing to the ground. Turning your back to him, you try to run away.

"(F/n)! Wait!" Tobio yells loudly, clasping your wrist and pulling you towards him. You look at him and glare, wishing all the hate of the world upon him.

"I can explain." He says, panting and red in the face. Though all you can look at are his lips, the ones he was kissing that girl with. The ones he refused to kiss you with because he was to shy, and suddenly you hated him. You hated him with every piece of your shattered heart.

"Let go of me." You say, yanking your hand from his grip. You stalk away, not even bothering to run. The tears glide down your face, though you ignore them. You leave the gym with a heart as broken as your bento box sitting at Kageyama's feet.

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