~ Akira Yamabuki x reader ~

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(N/N) = Nickname
(Y/N) = Your name

~ Your POV ~

You were on a concert with your cute little friend, or should I say best friend Akira.

Akira really looked up to Zac the sunshine, he always went to his concerts and really never missed one.

This boy is precious, maybe that's one of the reasons you have a crush on him, Nobody can resist this puppy dog eyes of his, this red color is just irresistible and don't get me started with his fluffy pink hair, even his clothes are somehow cute! >w<

'did this boy fall from heaven or is he just too precious for the humanity...'

I pondered while not noticing that Akira is calling my name non-stop.

"(Y/N)-chan!" You hear Akira yell, as you snapped back to reality "Are you Okay? you looked like you were thinking about something important, Do you need help? If it is really that Important I can help you! 'too cute...' you thought as you got a little nosebleed. You noticed this and covered your nose so he can't see the blood.

"Yeah I'm fine it's just....nothing, nothing I was just thinking about what to eat later! Yeah that's it!" You responded. "Okay. Oh we can go to the Café later if you want!" 'Oh my God he bought it' "yeah that would be nice" you giggly said.

'He seriously bought it. Haha'

After the concert you were having a talk with Zac the sunshine or should I say Zenkuro kurogane, yes you knew him since Kindergarden and you both get along great.

Of course Akira was with you guys, but you noticed something odd about Akira.

He looked...jealous? 'No this is probably just my imagination. This sweet boy would never...or would he? He can't be jealous because I'm talking to Zac! he knows we are friends since Kindergarden and he doesn't need to worry that much...Oh well, I can't blame him.'

~ Akira's POV ~

Why are those both so close to each other I don't like it wait what? Why am I jealous that Zac-Senpai is talking to (Y/N)-chan!? Do I like her? I mean she is very pretty and this voice is so smooth and calm I could faint Everytime I hear her speaking.

I just hope that those both aren't a couple or anything, she is laughing so much around him. I don't like it. (Y/N) is mine, I want her for myself. Not for him! I need to talk to her because maybe if I wait it's too late! Zac already is having so many fangirls I just can't lose (Y/N) to him.

I need to go somewhere where we can be alone so I can confess to her

'Maybe the... No,no she wouldn't like it there'

'Or in the Café! She likes it there, and I could confess easily to her...but everyone would take photos and I'm sure she wouldn't like it...'

'hmmm.....Wait I got it!'

~ Zac's POV ~

I was telling storys to my childish Kindergarden friend (Y/N).

"...And then he tripped on the microphone and everything fall apart. We needed 15 minutes to build everything up again."

She started laughing while she tried to imagine it in her head

"At least you don't know about my embarrassing story!" She laughed

"Tell me!" "Ok, ok it all started with-"

but she was cut off by Akira dragging her away.

~ Your POV ~

"Uh? Akira is something up? Do you need help with something?" You ask nervous, Akira never did something like that. He usually would ask you to come with him. Such a harsch move is... it's just not like the sweet Akira we all love and adore.

You noticed something in the dark, he was blushing!"(Y-Y/N) I need to tell you something...." He mumbles, very quiet, you can barely understand him.

You sweat dropped 'This can't end good...' You thought.

"W-w-what i-is it?" You stuttered out, 99% of your body was just too nervous to even do anything

you both were in a dark room-like thing, who wouldn't be nervous while being in here with your Crush! "Ilikeyou!!!" He blurted out, too fast for you to understand.

"Wha...? Can you repeat that please? I didn't heard anything that was too fast." She asked sweetily, at this point Akira was dying on the inside, his face red as a strawberry.

'ok Akira, just say it slowly for her to understand, it's ok just-just calm down' he thought, trying to calm himself down due he was really nervous right now, literllary, he was sweating already.

"I really...like you..." I tilted my head " And I don't like you talking and laughing with Zac-Senpai that much! It's just...I want you to be with me, not him!" He honestly admits.

"Oh! That would explain the jealous look of yours earlier. "WAIT A MOMENT! YOU LIKE ME TOO?!" "y-yeah..." He stuttered quietly " I like you " they both say at the same time. As both hugged eachother looking deeply in the eyes they began leaning forward and....

Their lips touched.

~ Nobody's POV ~

The kiss lasted good 2minutes until...


both turned around, wasn't that a camera sound? Did somebody-

"OH MY GOD YOU BOTH LOOK SO CUTE TOGHETER!!!! I NEED TO POST THIS PICTURES IMMEDIATELY!" Zac squealed, fanboying about the cute couple.

"Now you're my sweetheart" "Hey uh (N/N)? I thought we wanted to go to the Café! I want my ice cream!" Akira yelled, making (Y/N) giggle at his childishness. "Then it's a date now! But it's your treat~" "fine."


Word count: 945

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