~ Cheating Shu Kurenai x Reader/1/~

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Sorry if this one is a little too sad, Shu is being a jerk in this one and maybe a bit OOC, sorry about that...

(Y/N) = Your name
(R/G) = Random girl
(N/N) = Nickname

~ Your POV ~

It was a nice day, which you were down with your popular albino boyfriend Shu

But you noticed something odd about him, he spends more time with another girl, you got jealous

And you noticed as well, Shu isn't being like he used to be, normally in the morning he wakes you up, gives you little kisses and sometimes he likes to hug you

Everything was fine before he met

His mobile phone beeped

"Who's that?" You ask the albino, not wanting to think about him cheating on you

"O-oh t-that's my friend...(R/G)"

"Well, you can't pay attention to her while we are having our date!"

"Ugh (Y/N) you're really annoying with that, don't you trust me?"

You gave him a 'I don't trust you, Bish' face


He looked a bit annoyed

"(Y/N) there's nothing to worry about" he told you, rolling his eyes

"Oh really? Then why are you spending more time with her! Why are you acting so weird! WHY DON'T I TRUST YOU ANYMORE?!" You yelled at him, letting all your emotions out

And the next thing he said broke your heart

"You're really being a baby (Y/N)"

He walked off

What just happened...

You took out your phone, and searched in your contacts for...


Maybe he knows what's up with him

I mean he isn't cheating on you or something no, or...is he?

You tried to call him and he thankfully was on his phone at the moment

"Hey (Y/N)! I thought you and Shu we're having a date?"

"Yeah but..."


"Shu got a message from that girl, (R/N) and then I wanted to talk to him why he is paying more attention to her than to me, we got into an argument and he just left, he isn't cheating on me...or is he?"

"Well let's just hope he isn't"

"Thanks for listening Valt!"


You see Valt is your best friend he always has one ear for you If you need to talk to someone

You sighed, walking to the beypark trying to relax yourself a bit after that argument

But unfortunately, you saw Shu, alone

As he saw you he run up to you, looking somehow worried

"(Y/N)! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to act like that, it's just me and (R/G) are friends and I didn't like to see you jealous like that! I'm so sorry"

You tilted your head, that was all in one breath so it was a bit fast

"Uh, okay?"

"Thanks!" He said, hugging you but what you didn't notice is he made a disgusted face after he hugged you

'ugh, (R/G) looks better than her, man that was a mistake wanting her back' he thought annoyed, why he'd even wanted you back in the first place!

~ Nobody's POV ~

(Y/N) still wanted to train a bit, but first she wanted to go drink something in the Café all that drama made her thirsty

"Ah, that helps, but why did he react like that, hm..."

"(Y/N)!" Her best friend Valt yelled


"What's up, sweetie?" He asked you with his little cute but embarrassing nickname for you

Which made (Y/N) giggle

Shu didn't like what he saw

Yes he was 'stalking' her, when she doesn't trust him why should he trust you!

'Ugh this damn girl's cheating on me'

"Hey, how was it with Shu?"

"Well, it was okay, but I still think he likes that girl more than me..."

'pff, of course I like her more than this cheating girl'

"Hey it's okay, I'm always here for you"

"Thanks Valt!!" (Y/N) jumped up from her chair hugging the females best friend

'I got enough, I'm going to my baby (R/G)'

"Yeah, I wanted to go training in the park now, bye!"

As (Y/N) was walking to the park she was smelling something

'Shu's cooking...' (Y/N) thought alarmingly

She rushed over to the nearest Bush and hid, wanting to see the scene before overreacting

"I love you Shu..." (R/G) said, looking into the albino's eyes

"I love you too" Shu answered, kissing the girl

(Y/N) gasped, you couldn't believe it! Shu was cheating on her! She knew it!!! They were to close to eachother, and (Y/N) got enough now

"Shu!" You yelled

"There is the cheater, I told (R/G) all about you cheating on me, so we confessed to eachother and now we're a couple, by the way it's over (Y/N) I really didn't like you and never knew why I wanted you back in the first place, was I blind or something, haha"

"Cheater? I'm wasn't cheating! What are you talking about?!"

"I saw you with Valt, he called you 'sweetie'"

"That's my nickname! We're best friends!"

"Well, it's over anyways, I like (R/G) so if you excuse us now"

You started tearing up, you ran far away and sit down in a corner, bringing your knees up to your chest, and starting to cry

"Hey (Y/-, (Y/N)! What's up?!" The female heared Valt yell, she looked up to her best friend, with red puffy eyes, just wanting to die already, she really loved Shu and he was cheating on the poor girl the whole time...

"S-Shu..." (Y/N) stutter out, just the memories of you two together brough you back to crying

Why her...she's a nice girl, she didn't deserve it

He immediately knew what you meant and ran over to you, giving you a hug

"I'm sorry...I could imagine it's horrible"

You sniffed and hugged him back

"At least you're always here for me..."

"I will never leave you (N/N)" he looked into your eyes, caressing your cheek

You smiled

"I know you wouldn't even dare to"

"I promise, I'll be always here for you"


Sooo, I'm done for today, I'm still freaking sorry for not updating, hehe XD

I decided to make it in the end that Valt, the best friend is getting together with the reader due he's caring about the reader and Shu's just being a jerk

Word count: 1073

I'm so Lazy XD

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