~ Silas(Sisco) Karlisle x reader ~

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(B/N) = Bey name
(Y/N) = Your name
(L/N) = Last name

~ Your POV ~

I was training with my bey, (B/N)




Let it rip!!!

I launched my bey into the stadium, and it immediately went to the center of the stadium.

"Good, keep it up like that!"

After a while (B/N) began loosing stamina and soon stopped spinning

"Good job, partner. I'm proud of you" You whispered to your bey, holding it tight in your hand

"Pff, that was so weak" You hear someone say

"Huh?" You were slightly confused, somebody just came and called you weak

"Look on your start you were not in balance, your bey started wobbling much too early and soon after that just stopped Spinning, that's what I call weak" The male said now in your view

He was relatively tall and build too,you could see some abs already, he had green hair that reminded you of broccoli and in the middle of his face a yellow-like straind of hair. A purple-black tattoo like thingy on his right arm black gloves, a turquoise vest with a black fluffy wool where the zipper is used to be, a brown belt with a violet shutter, dark brown pants and some lighter brown shoes

To make it short, he looks pretty weird

"But I'm impressed you even could do some good moves, your bey looks interesting..." He added

"Uh-huh! B-but if you wouldn't mind, could you tell me your name mister?" I shyly asked looking down because I already fell for the tsundere (at least I think he's a tsundere, isn't he?)

"I'm Silas Karlisle, and you're?

"(Y/N) (L/N)" I responded

"(Y/N) (L/N).....nice name, for a girl" he mumbled

"Do you beyblade as well?" I ask, now very curious about the male

"Pft, of course! Or else I wouldn't know so much about it" he hissed, looking a bit offended


"Now your left foot a little to the right side, alright, now your launcher hand a bit down, exactly, now launch your bey" he helped me

Let it rip!!!

"Wow, it's a lot better now..." I quietly mumbled, he barely understood it

He rolled his eyes

"Of course it is, I helped you!"

"Hehe, thanks"

~Le Timeskipo~

~ Silas's POV ~

"C'mon admit it, you like her~" Valt teased his friend

"No! I would never like such a girly! She's just...not my type!"

"But I ship you two!"



Rantaro joined the little argument

"What'd ya all talking 'bout?"

"Silas likes (Y/N) but he won't admit it~ Wanna join the ship?!"

"Heck yes!"

"I still don't like her!" He yelled at the both males

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