~ Yugo Nansui x Reader ~

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Goodness I'm dying, look at this picture!

(Y/N) = Your name
(E/C) = Eye color

Mah friend cough the legendary Overwatch quality cough asked me to update again, I had no requests I'm sorry, so I just thought 'I don't have a life anyways so suuuuure'

~ Your POV ~


"Yeah, Xhaka?"

You might wonder what's happening, right? Lemme explain it to you...

You are at home with your brother, Xhaka and he was annoying you non-stop with 'coming to the dojo' and 'you're going to meet some nice people' you honestly didn't care, he was just annoying right now, you have enough friends so why get new ones

"Do you changed your mind about the dojo?" he asked, hoping you to come to your senses and agree to come with him

"Nope, not at all" I responded, not making eye contact with him

"Oh c'mon (Y/N) please~" he begged you, you sighed

"Why is it so important that I come?" I asked him, I wouldn't go if there is no reason to go there

"First: I accidentally told them that I have a sister and now they want to meet you" he began

You facepalmed, you told him not to tell them about you!

"Second, you can get some new friends there, I bet you come along with them great!"

You rolled your eyes "Suuuure..."

"And third: I know someone just like you, you two would make an adorable couple"

You blushed and looked to him "a-any other reasons?"

"Oh (Y/N), I'm going to drag you there" he warned you

You smirked "Just try to"


"Xhaka let me down! I can walk by myself!"

Yep, as you guessed

He's carrying you on his shoulder to the dojo, it was a bad idea telling him to try it

"But if I let you down you're going to run away! Come on, it isn't that bad is it?"

"Yes it is, when your friends are just as weird as you I'm not going to be there five minutes" you gave him a serious face

And he laughed

You rolled your eyes

"Fine, I won't run away, you let me down now, and I walk by myself, I'm going to meet your friends, I'm going home afterwards, I'm never coming again, and we're living a happy life"

He chuckled and let you down

"Thank you" you thanked him, starting to walk the stairs from the dojo up

You nudged your brother on the side "b-but Xhaka?" You started and he raised an eyebrow, telling you to continue

"You didn't told them I'm a blader, did you?" You whisper to him

He laughed and shook his head "don't worry, I didn't"

You sighed in relief, you're a blader but you're not too good, you don't like other people knowing about it

He opened the door and you looked around mumbling a small 'wow' as you looked around

"It's looking nice, isn't it?" He asked you smirking

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