~ Ukyo Ibuki x reader ~

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Awww this picture is SO cute!!! (I really should stop fangirling Oml)

Ahem to the one-shot

(Y/N) = Your name
(H/C) = Hair color

~ Your POV ~

It was a sunny day, you were at the dojo with your brother, Yugo

You aren't one bit like him, you're more funny and nice, not a tsundere (he's a tsundere, right?)

But there's a little problem

Your brother can actually read your mind

It might sound weird now I know but he just can, it's like a brother-Sister thingy

And with that, he knows your biggest secret, you have a Crush on the Shadow Walker or the cute Ninja boy Ukyo in the dojo.

The first time you both actually could talk about it, and it's very rare that you can do it, was in a secret place that just the both of you know, Ukyo could watch you both in the shadows, it's just too risky

"Sooo...what are we doing now?" You ask your brother, not knowing what to do here, and being bored

"How about you take a little walk while I'm meditating here?"

"B-but I would have to go alone..."

"You're not scared are you? Come on, you're not a baby!"

"Of course I'm not! It's just so... lonely you know"



"Go take a walk, big baby"


"I can join you after my meditating if you want me to"


"but go first, I will catch up to you later"


Of course it wasn't the first day you're here with your bro but it's still a bit scary, I mean, You know Xander and the people at the dojo would never do something to you but they look like it, you were more of a shy person

'now I seriously need to go alone' you thought a little scared, just a little

'maybe I can go walking a bit in the forest...hmm no no, Ah I know! I can go climbing!' You always loved climbing and all, even though you're scared of highs, but that doesn't matter when you go climbing now!



"Still so jumpy, huh?"

"what, you surprised me! Not my fault of being scared!

You yelled angered at the light blue haired male that you love so much

"Haha, sorry but it is so funny making you so scared" he said, coming over and wrapping his arm around your shoulder, which made you blush, very much to be honest


"Oh? Blushing already, and why that if I might ask?"

"Mmmmmmm... I'm blushing I uh Just Ignore it! Anyways I wanted to go climbing a bit while waiting for Yugo...if you excuuuuuuuuuse me now..." You replied, walking away in a fast but weird way

He panicked a little as he heard 'climbing' and grabbed your wrist

"Climbing? Aren't you scared of highs?" He asked you, you in reply, gave him a cute smile, which made him just blush just the slightest

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