~Boa Alcazaba x Reader~

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~ Your POV ~

"No, keep going!" They yell at you, you were exhausted and just wanted to stop "You can't stop your training just yet, weakling!" You kept going, on and on, this nearly was your daily routine, one day you could rest and spend some time with Boa, one of the only ones who understand you

''Why don't you tell them?" "Because they wouldn't understand!" Boa raised a brow "oh come on"

You had a little talk with one of your friends, Boa. He's actually the only one who (usually) understands you, right now, he didn't understood your problem

"It isn't as easy as you think..." You sat down and hugged Your knees "I don't want to go, they're already doing much more than me and when I'm telling the it's too much they'll make sure I will go somewhere else" He sighed "stop being a baby and tell them" "I'm not being a bebe!" You replied and looked away "Yes you are~" he cooed making you look at him "hmpf"

You both kept on having a little argument, You with your stubbornness pouted while he tried to bring you back to smiling, he made funny faces but nope, they didn't work

Red eye walked over "training" he simply said, you quickly nodded and stood up to go training with him, Boa held your wrist "you are going to seriously hurt yourself if you don't tell them" you pulled your arm out of his grip and huffed "I'll be fine"

Red eye was being impatient and grabbed your arm harshly "I said training, now!"

You whimpered quietly and began walking fastily "I'll be there soon" Red eye stated and walked back to Boa

~ Boa's POV ~

I sighed "she's really stressed" "I've noticed that, that's why I wanted to talk with you about it" I raised a brow "You knew?" I asked him "It's pretty obvious" Red eye replied "so what're we doing now?" Red eye sighs "What are you doing now"

he pulled me up and dragged me to a place with a nice flower field, (Y/N)'s favorite flowers "She likes you, very much and I know you do so too" he pointed at a table in the middle of the field "you might confess to her" I got slightly embarrassed and felt my face heat up, or to make it easy, I'm blushing very much "b-but....I don't" "just do it or someone will get her before you do" "fine"

I waited here, sitting on the flower field, Red eye said he'll get (Y/N)

It's not that I'm getting impatient, I'm just getting slightly nervous, I don't want to confess but I think I might seriously have to, I just have this feeling she's going to reject me, she's not my first crush to be honest now, I got rejected once, with crushes and other things as well, I don't have that good memories out of it

I don't really want to confess yet, I really am not sure about it, I'm just not ready what if she changed her mind, if she likes another boy or- "Boa!" A familiar voice yelled for me "(Y/N)?"

"No, Santa Claus"

"You're here'' I smiled slightly "good"

~ Nobody's POV ~

(Y/N) hesitated but sat down next to Boa after some time "sooo....Red eye told me you want to tell me something" Boa looked away "What is it?" Boa sighs and stands up "it's not that important, you don't have to know" he told her, she didn't accept it that way and pulled him down next to her again "you're telling me, now"

Boa gulped "I ain't getting here away until I tell you, am I?" "Nope"

Boa sighs and picks her up "h-hey!" (Y/N) yelled blushing madly

Boa placed her on a chair near the table in the middle of the flower field "so, you really want to know what I should tell you" he grabbed her chin and looked her in the eyes, (Y/N) in response, blushed more and nodded

Boa then kissed her for a brief moment on the lips "there you have it"

(Y/N) was being a blushing mess and hid her face "I knew you weren't ready" Boa sighs "N-no"(Y/N) stood up "Just no..."

Boa felt heartbroken that moment "I knew it..." A single tear escaped his eye, suddenly he got hug tackled by a special someone

"Yay!" (Y/N) smiled brightly "at first I thought red eye was lying but I guess I was wrong" (Y/N) giggled and smiled at him "Wow, I could've trust Red eye one time in my life"

Boa first had to process everything

(Y/N) raised a brow at him "uh...? You okay?" She asked him poking his cheek, a little concerned about him

Boa shook his head, smiling "Y-yes I'm fine" he stood up and offered her his hand, which she happily accepted

He pulled her in his arms and pat her head gently

"What are we doing now?" (Y/N) asked, Boa just simply shrugged



"Uhm....I have no idea"

"Let's go eat Ice cream!"




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