~Akira Yamabuki x Reader (2)~

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This might be a little sad, just saying


The schoolbell ringed

Finally holidays!

You already planned to spend the whole time with your best friend, Akira and....his new friend

For you, this girl isn't new, nope, you knew her from primary school, you were used to be best friends until she changed, what am I saying? She never saw you as a friend

She just used you for her own, you were her puppet

Now we ain't talking about this now

Akira kept blushing around her, you didn't like it at all, why her?! All of the girls in the world her,just why? Doesn't he see what kind of person she is, she's the black sheep, she's going to just use him just for herself!

He always talks about how awesome she is, you, of course never told him about your problem with her

"Are you coming, (Y/N)? (R/N) is already waiting!" Akira yells for you excitedly "sure...on my way"

(R/N) smirked as she saw you "oh hello, (Y/N) nice to see you"

'spare your nice act...'

"Hello, friend"

Akira, the smol bean didn't thought anything out of the extra sweet voice you two gave "I'm glad you get along!" Akira smiles

'get along, huh? He doesn't know anything about it, does he?'

"So? Let's go!" (R/N) jumped up and dragged Akira away, you looked after them, jealously taking you over, you grabbed Akira's other arm and dragged him the other direction "why don't we get Ice cream first?" You asked "No we're going to be late!" (R/N) whined "Ice cream!"


Akira was almost tearing up

"T-that hurts..." He whispered

You both stopped and you rubbed your arm nervously "s-sorry..." (R/N) just huffed, not even saying 'sorry'

"I think we're really going to be late..." Akira stated, you made a face

'Why is he by her side?!'

You sighed and let Akira go "fine"

(R/N) grabbed Akira'a hand, you walked next to them, looking at the floor, thinking about her and Akira, Akira didn't even notice your sad state

"Here we are!" Akira smiled brightly, nudging your side "huh? Yeah....cool"

(R/N) pushed you slighty and stood next to Akira "yeah! Finally"

'stop ruining my life...'

You sighed and just rolled your eyes again "yay..." You said sarcastically with a fake smile, and Akira bought it?!

After the festival you both were on, may I add that he was paying attention to (R/N) the whole time and just completely ignoring you, you got really just like REALLY pissed off

"(Y/N) are yo-" but Akira immediately stopped as he saw your angered expression "is something wrong?" He asked with that innocent face of his "wrong? Wrong?! I don't know what should be wrong! You're just ignoring me the whole time but no, I'm totally fine!" You laughed shortly and hesitantly kinda sounding.... insane

"Uh...(Y/N) are you okay? You know what (R/N) and I better-" "(R/N)! My great childhood friend!! Who just used me for her own stuff, yeah GREAT idea to get her with it!" You wrapped and arm around Akira's shoulders, (R/N) just laughed amusingly in the background not minding to stop (Y/N) insanity

'how much I just want to stab this b*tch' You thought, gritting your teeth

Akira got scared of you, really scared and just pushed you away "what is up with you?!" "SHE is my problem! You're just paying attention to her, what about me?! You just can't ignore me for that slut! She ruined my life already as I was little!!" You inhaled, and exhaled "I never told you about her because it hurt me talking about it" Akira glanced over to (R/N) who was still laughing in the background bit as soon as she noticed Akira's blood red eyes on her she stopped and put her hands up in defense ''She was just too dumb to notice it! Not my fault!!"

"Uh...? (Y/N) is not dumb! She's one of my friends!" Akira yelled back at (R/N) he was finally on your side

(R/N) just rolled her eyes and walked over to (Y/N) pushing her to the ground "she's just as pathetic as she was in kindergarden, weak ugly and usless!" She said and slapped (Y/N) cheek harshly

Akira had a expression of horror, his crush and his friend just fought "I-I already knew you both were used to be best friends...." He whispered "(R/N) told me but she never called you that, I was just spending so much time with her because I thought she would tell em how I can get you to like me...like like you know"

Yep, you heared it

You're Akira's crush, not (R/N) You

"Wait a moment! You like me too? Wow....just wow but I thought you like (R/N) because you just talked to her and completely ignored me, that's not how you're acting if you have a crush on me!" You said as you crossed your arms in front of your chest

"I'm sorry!!! I just never had a crush before and she said she'll show me what to do, and she said if I'll stay close to you you'll get annoyed of me and wouldn't like me..." He stated, you glared at (R/N) who just gulped and ran away "Nope!" She said as she ran away, clearly embarrassed and possed off at the same time

Akira noticed you didn't said the 'I like you to' and looked at the floor, feeling rejected

You saw a small tear dropping on the floor and as soon as you realized Akira was crying you jumped into his arms, but he couldn't carry you (you're not heavy, he's just weak) and you both fall on the ground but you just laughed and hugged him "Don't cry! The only reason why I was mad is because I like you!! I thought you like (R/N) more than me and I got...well... kinda jealous"

Akira stopped crying and looked up at her, showing a bright smile "sERIOSLY?!?! YES!!" he yelled and jumped up, pulling you with him

"what should we do no-"



"We should get Pizza!"

And with that, both (Y/N) and Akira went eating their pizza, got together and had a happy relationship with a jealous (R/N) and some mad Akira fangirls


I just noticed I reached 100 follower...I have no idea why because my writing is pure cringe...meh, I don't really care

And also, sorry for not updating, I've been busy with school and stuff, and being lazy and I had just like NO ideas for a one shot, but today my mind was like *Poof* and I got this idea

Yeah, sorry again for not updating...soooo


Word count: 1153

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