~Xander Shakadera x depressed!Reader~

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//Scientists found out that depressed, sad people sleep longer than happy ones, due their body need to process more with their emotional state than when they're just happy, However, if fatigue lingers and is accompanied by low mood and decreased motivation or interest, this lack of energy may be tied to early signs of depression//

It was in the middle of the night, everyone in the dojo was fast asleep, except one (H/C) haired female, due she slept all day, wasn't feeling well and she couldn't sleep at all. Now in her bed, tears streaming down her face, "Why did they never notice...?" She quietly asked herself, looking at the old scars, and new cuts on her wrist she just made "why don't they notice how I really feel...the pain I'm having.."

She stood up and slowly walked to the door "Why do they believe my acting? That I'm such a sweet, shy and cheerful girl...Why don't they see the pain I'm having" her voice slowly started to raise "Why don't they notice I need help!?" She slammed her hands on the door, not minding that the boys might wake up from her...uh-

Whatever she's having right now


She then stayed quiet for a moment-

She surely was known in the Dojo for the fun maker, the girl that's always no matter what, 24/7 happy.

"Why can't just someone help me..." She fell on her knees in front of the door, silently crying.

Footsteps could be heard from outside-

' oh no! I was too loud! '

A knock on her door made her immediately stand up and rush in her bed, the door getting opened by a tall, well known red head "(Y/N)..?"

She instead of looking at him she was facing the wall, laying on the bed and trying to just cry herself to sleep "what" her asked in her usual sweet tone.

"Is something wrong...you were...uhm pretty loud with your self talking."


"Do you need help? In any way?"

' You know exactly I do need help '

"I'm fine! No worries" she sat up and looking at him, once again, like always showing a smile .

A fake smile though, but for him pretty much invisible because she always smiles like that.

"You're not fine girl."

"Uhm....how much did you hear?...or maybe it was just imagination."

"You mean how much did we hear, Yugo, Ukyo and Quon heard just like all of what you were saying...and I'm pretty sure we didn't just hear a voice that sounds exactly like yours."


"What do you need help with, I will do anything to help you and you know that!"

"You don't understand" she let out a sigh.

"It's difficult."

"What is difficult?''

"My life! I just- want to make it stop..."

Xander's eyes started to widen, "Suicid-!"

"Quiet! Not like that.... it's just- I'm tired okay...I want to talk about it tomorrow.."

"Okay, but then I'll stay the night here in your room" he stated, sitting down on the floor next to her bed. "Wait what?" She asked confused, "you can just go to your bed you know and leave me alon-" "No" "okay seriously interrupt me while talking one more time and I'll kick your butt out if this room!" "Sorry..."

He sighed and made himself comfortable on the hard and cold wooden floor, closing his eyes, (Y/N) thought he's actually asleep by now but nope he was still awake-

"Have a good night you big dork~" she whispered giving his cheek a small peek "love ya."

[Eavesdropping Yugo and Ukyo started to talk about plans how to get them closer to eachother, Quon was just a lazy, jealous bean who wanted to sleep]

However in the morning Xander woke up with light back pain, maybe because of the hard floor? Or maybe because if the female that is right on top of him sleeping tightly and peacefully...we won't know.

"Oh how cute she's drooling on me" Xander literally had hearts in his eyes at that moment, while (Y/N) was having the dream of killing every female human being on Earth that Xander only can pick her-

Except when he's gay...then she has a small problem with literally every creature on Earth, that little yandere girl.

"Hope she won't notice this." He placed a small heart necklace around her neck "I made this for you by myself" he said sitting up, placing her back on the bed and standing up "now to wake up th guy-" Xander was just about to open the door, until he heard snoring coming from right outside the door.

"What the-" he opened it and a sleeping Yugo and half asleep Ukyo who were leaning against the door lay on the floor "hi Xander....~" Ukyo mumbled nervously before he literally just fainted, "you were eavesdropping! All the time!?" Xander wasn't mad, but not too happy about it.

Dragging the both sleeping boys in their rooms, he went back in the room of his sweet and more importantly depressed girl, "(Y/N) are you awake already?" He asked in a sweet tone, in response (Y/N) opened one eye and looked up at the tall male, yawning and nodding. "I was dreaming about a Yugo-Narwhal swimming in green tea and a Ukyo-Unicorn...." She whispered, standing up and grabbing a pillow, "I gotta-"
"Wait!" "Okay out of my room now you rude rat!" She started or at least tried to push that biggie out of her room without success of course.

"(Y/N) I'm sorry, but I think it's pretty much important that we talk about what happened yesterday."

"Uhhh- can we talk about it tomorrow?"


"Fine fine....you see, my mother kinda abused me and-"

"Wait a secoND WHAT?!" Xander's mind was blown, like totally he knew her mother as a good mother but she just don't want to look bad in front of people as it turned out-

"OH MY GOD JUST STOP ALREADY AND LET ME TALK JESUS CHRIST!" She shouted getting a silent nod from Xander as a quick and 'please don't kill me' like response

"She stopped two years ago but you can imagine my whole childhood she did that to me...I just want to forget about it, I just want to turn back time and make it never happen! I just-!" "Shh" Xander gave her a big dorky hug "It'll be fine" "N-no it's not!" She started to tear up a little bit "Every girl I see with you I just want to kill! I feel like you're the only one who understands me and cares about me I just...need someone who loves me."

"Awe smol girl just wants to be loved!" Quon ran in the room and joined the hug "calm down (Y/N) we're all here for you." "he's right." Yugo also came in "We care about you like you're our sister." He said, then the shadow stalker joined "just forget about your mother."

Okay now the emotions storm in don't cry now (Y/N) don't-!

And she started to cry, "t-thank you...."

"We're always here for you (Y/N)" Xander kissed her head "Love you."


So here's the problem-

It's Saturday today and next week school starts again which means for me homework and tests, studying and more tests, bad friends making jokes about me and getting me sad aNd MoRe DaMn TeStS

I've just gotta do the word count and cry for the rest of my life in my dark room...jk have a nice day/night

Word count: 1252

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