~ Red eye x reader ~

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I miss Shu...

(Y/N) = Your name
(N/N) = Nickname
(L/N) = Last name

~ Red eye's POV ~

I was training with my bey, legend spryzen as I saw (Y/N) talking with Gold eye or Norman Tarver, I didn't like it too much, not that I'm jealous or something at, least I don't think I am....

But I am Jealous, very like VERY jealous

She said she doesn't like him so I don't need to worry. but you can never be sure, maybe she just says it that I won't judge her, that would be so typical, so just like my (N/N)

"Go Spryzen! Upper Launch!"

Spryzen did as commanded and speed down the stadium, wobbling a bit

"Still not good enough!"


"Upper Launch again!"

And again, as last time Spryzen went down the stadium, and this time he even hit the wall and legend Spryzen fell out of the stadium

'Agh! I can't concentrate when (Y/N) is so close to another boy!' he angrily thought, clenching his fists together

'I should do something about this...but...what?' he thought curiously, not knowing how to handle this. He never fell in love, how the hell is he supposed to know what to do?!

So now I still need to finish my training, and after that I ask Gold eye if he likes (Y/N). I just want to make sure he's not dangerous for us...

'Ok back to training'




Let it rip!!!

~ Your POV ~

I was talking to one of my friends, Gold eye or how I can call him in private Norman Tarver. I don't really like him but he's nice

My real crush is red eye or Shu Kurenai, I'm just trying to avoid my feelings for him because I'm afraid he'll reject me

So I talked with him about my crush on red eye...

"You have a crush on him, huh?" He said pointing to red eye

"K-kinda...I guess" you stutter, shrugging at the end

"Just tell him"

"I-I can't"

"Do you have a good reason?"

"Just that I'm afraid he'll reject me..."



"Don't be a little kid and go confess to him!"

"But you know how he is!!! He's not going to be nice to me, if he doesn't feel the same! Then...." You trailed off thinking about what could happen if he rejects you, you know he's a harsch Charakter and he's not going to be nice to you...

"You'll never know if you don't try out!" He yelled at you, making you a bit scared of his harsch Charakter


"What's going on over here?"

'oh no...'

~ Norman's POV ~

Me and my friend are arguing about her Crush on Red eye

"What's going on over here"

Well that's just great, Red eye's here!

"Oh, me and (Y/N) were just talking 'bout something, (Y/N) don't you want to tell him about it?" I asked, wanting to finally make her confess her feelings to him, this whole talk about how amazing Red eye is is getting kinda annoying...

"U-uh n-not really..."

"(Y/N) tell me!"


"You don't leave me a choice..."

~ Nobody's POV ~

"I gotta go then...leave you both love-birds alone...hehe~" Norman said teasingly

"Love-birds?" Red eye asked

"Yeah right, (Y/N) didn't told you"

"Told me what"

'oh no there it is, his harsch Character, the thing I was afraid of doing is happening right now!'

"NOPE!"Norman yelled as he leaved

"(Y/N) do you want to tell me something?"

"W-want no....but I kinda have to.."



"Tell me" he started as he got closer

"Why are you blushing?"

"..." But (Y/N) kept silent

"Aha I see"

Suddenly he grabbed (Y/N) wrist and pulled her to him, until their (Y/N) body hit his and Red eye began smirking

"I know what you want..." He whispered in her ear

"W-what do I-I w-want..."

"You want to get ranked up don't you?"




"Well I have a lot to do now so...BYE!"

"Ok but we talk about the up ranking later!" He yelled after the female


~ Le Timeskip even tho everybody hates me when I do it XD ~

'I kinda regret not telling him...' (Y/N) thought, walking around, enjoying the sunset

"Maybe I can sit down for a while..." She whispered softly to herself

"Mind if I join you?"

"Huh-oh no, not at all" I responded, not even looking at the mysterious male

"Hey, you know I knew you didn't want a ranking up, right?"


"I know you like me, and I do so too, (Y/N) (L/N)"

"H-huh? W-wait did I miss something here?"

You heard him chuckle

Red eye just chuckled, RED EYE JUST CHUCKLED!!!

" A-a-ar-are Y-you okay, are we t-talking about the s-same (Y/N) (L/N)..." (Y/N) asked to shy to do anything else than blushing badly and saying those words, not without stuttering

"You mean the beautiful (H/C) haired girl with shining (E/C) eyes, the smoothest voice I ever heard, you mean yourself, then yes"

"R-red eye?"

"Call me Shu"



"I l-like you too..." The female responded looking at the floor in shame

"You we're the one that helped me getting out of this phase, (Y/N) I love you more than everything else..."

"I love you too...And I will, always"


Whop I'm done now, just for you to know I won't update tomorrow because I'm spending the day with my childhood friend! I'm really sorry about that but next...on Sunday Boa x reader

I'm out, Bai!

Word count: 975

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