~ Valt Aoi x reader ~

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Valt somehow looks cute in that picture, Idk why exactly but he just is.(smol bean ^w^)



I have a question tho...

Is it allowed to marry white Chocolate?

Or can I marry my favorite song?!
(Y/N) = Your name
(L/N) = Last name
(B/N) = Beys name
(C/N/N) = Cute Nickname

~ Valt's POV ~

I was training with the Beyclub at our school. I watched Daina battling shu as I sat on a bench. I sadly looked at the floor, and Rantaro noticed this.

"Hey Miracle boy, is something up? You look kinda sad, What happened to ya?" he asked

"I'm fine. everything is fine, Kumicho, Just fine" I answered, giving him a fake smile.

Rantaro didn't bought it tho

he didn't let himself get tricked that easily, he knew something is up, and the secret 'softy' he is, needed to know what

"Valt c'mon I know something is up with you! Just tell it! I won't make fun of it....probably"

"Ok, ok it's about (Y/N)...." I mumbled quietly

"What is with (L/N)?" Shu joined our talk. After the battle with Daina

"I feel so....weird around her, I get red when she is smiling and when she's laughing, my heart is melting. But I don't know what it is..." I responded looking at the floor in shame

"Valt, you're in Loveee~" Rantaro teasingly cooed, after I heard that, I looked Rantaro straight in the eyes.

"So you want to say....I like her?" I asked, he heard about people falling in Love and being together and all but he never fell in Love, this feeling was completely new for him.

"Kiyama is right, you like her." Shu reassured me, giving me a small smile, which is very rare for the popular Albino male.

"B-b-but what should I do?" I asked my friends,I noticed that I started to shake a bit.

"Valt calm down, everything is alright, she doesn't know it .....(yet)" Rantaro said out loud, whispering the last part, so nobody could hear him.

"They're right. Just go to her, everything will be alright, confess to her I bet she likes you too" Daina joined as well, trying to bring his childish friend back to his senses.

I stopped shaking. And started to smile, no not a fake one. A real smile.

"You're right.... Why don't I tell her! Man....I'M SO DUMB!!" I yelled as I run off

"Go get your future wife!" Rantaro jokily yelled after his friend

~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

-One hour ago-

I was on the roof training with my bey, (B/N), it's a balance type. (Totally not related to Shu's spriggan.) I wanted to learn a new move, after loosing to Valt and Valkryie, I promised (B/N) and myself to win next time we're battling Valt, we just have to! I need show them that I can actually win!

'It was just a mistake, I need to impress him...'

I maybe or maybe not have a have little Crush on that smol bean.

He is just super cute and I love his childish character, everytime I look into his eyes, I could just get blind instantly. Everytime he is angry at something, I'm angry too. Everytime I see him smile I want to smile too. Everytime he is sad about something I feel like dying on the inside, watching this precious smol bean cry is just breaking my heart.

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