~Wakiya Komurasaki x Whiny!Reader~

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Wait a moment hol' up! This book has 13k reads and 380 votes?!

I guess people like reading crappy stuff...boi

"But I don't want to~"

"Too bad Because you're gonna!"

Yep, as you guessed it, you and Wakiya were a little...unsure about what to do next, and what he requested you both to do-

Let's just say you didn't like it at all I mean you both were having a date, you both got bored and he requested to train!

He's the most unromantic person you've ever met

"But we've trained this morning already~"

"Yeah but we stopped earlier because I had to prepare for this date!"

"You wanted to go on this date! Ugh! Can't you spend some time with your girlfriend without thinking about beyblade! Cause if you not you can get another girl!"

He stayed quiet

"And now you shut up!"

He shook his head and smirked "you wouldn't break up with me"

''trust me, if I want to I would"

he teared up and looked away, being his stubborn self he, of course had to hide his tears, precious baby boy then (Y/N) panicked "I mean it in a good way! If I want to break up I would've already done it dear~!"

Wakiya huffed and hit her (gently) on her head "idiot! Don't you know it's mean to play with a boy's feelings?"

"I just wanted to tease you for a bit"

"It's still mean! I do it at times but-"

"Wakiya~" You whined again, nope, not fighting today

"Stop being so whiny!"

"Don't you love me anymore?~" with a dramatical gasp you placed a hand over your heart "oh dear! Don't break my heart!" The dork might be unromantic but hey, he's being himself and it's cute so no problem with that...okay maybe a little but it's fine!

"It's not that.... it's just....I don't know" a blush spread along his cheeks as he started twirling his hair around his finger, fidgeting with something in his pocket

"You never liked if I give you gifts...I thought they weren't good enough so I stopped giving you them...but it really hurt me" he honestly admit, wait a second, he just said his feeling, he's talking about them! Big boi is a softie!

Please someone get (Y/N) Ice cream, she's about to faint!

You chuckled softly "Oh silly you! I never wanted them because the only gift I want from you is affection! But you never do that....you always do your stupid training..."

"I didn't know you want that..."

"Don't say 'I want' I need your love! Give me attention!"

"You're being whiny again"

"Oh shut up Wakiya"

Then a butler came and asked Wakiya to pay for the food, he nods as he got out his wallet

And there she goes again, (Y/N) didn't want him to pay, she wanted to pay by herself and got her Wallet out "I'll pay" she said as she was just about to take the money out as Wakiya already paid "thank you sir" the butler said, bowed, then left

"Am I invisible or are you just deaf?"

"Neither of both, dear. Let me be a gentleman once in life"

"Once and never again..." You sigh softly "okay fine...but promise me next time you let me pay!"

"Fine fine sweet cheeks''

"Thank you..." But little does she know, Wakiya that little rat had his fingers crossed behind his back, he was just being himself...

For that she'll ignore him on the weekend, then he'll learn his lesson

He might be unromantic but if (Y/N) ignores him, he thinks and I mean he always thinks she got tired of him and tries literally everything to get her attention, once she got him to dress up in a maid costume and do everything for her all day and promised him to never ignore him again, she also crossed her fingers though

Those both are just soulmates!

Now after their date they or better saying Wakiya had planned to go to his Villa with her and watch some Netflix

Great plan Wakiya, just great

So let's see both are on the way to his Villa now, at least something funny or romantic, nothing sad, (Y/N) gets easily emotional like she saw a dead fish in a pet shop and started crying! This woman has a big heart, maybe sometimes too big...

She skipped school because she saw a hurt bird, and that not just once, so she actually got suspended for 1 day

But the weirder thing is that her parents weren't mad at all, they were proud that she was a caring and kind girl...and obviously not so good with Wakiya, he's a big dorky spoiled boy, while (Y/N), of course not poor is, but let's just say she's not popular or rich, so her boyfriend had a interesting behavior

Now they arrived in the Villa, just some stairs more to get up his room with a big T.V

Just a few....

Then you both arrived, but sadly turns out the T.V is broken

And what is Mr. I'm rich love me or die doing now? Yeah, he's panicking about how to get his girlfriend happy

In the end he just bought you some ice cream and you were happy, spending the rest of the day with cuddling and buckets of ice (your favorite)


Sorry it's short, but there's lot's of stuff going on in my family and all the fault is put on me

My mom gets angry and starts to yell and hit me, making me constantly cry in my dark room, I can't really write stories like that

I'm so sorry that because of my sister trouble gets on me and because of that I'm unable to write it's just

I'm emotionally really unstable like, those hits hurt like damn

And again... I'm so sorry

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