~ Cheating Shu Kurenai x Reader/2/ ~

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This is longer than usual! Just saying...

(R/G) = Random girl
(Y/N) = Your name

So I decided doing a second part where Shu and the reader are going to get back together, buuut it's not that normal, it's more like unormal XD makes sense

~ (R/G)'s POV ~

This is good, Shu really thinks I like him, pff I really can't understand why people like him

My brother Lui can't understand it either

He's such a looser falling into our trap, of course I just played liking him and to our luck he likes me too, he doesn't know Lui's my brother, now I just need to use him to the fullest and then, poof, I'm gone and he's heartbroken

Our plan's perfect, Shu's such an idiot, he doesn't even notice I don't like him

"Hey, (R/G), sweetie"

When we're talking about the devil, here he is Shu

"Hey Shu" I replied, looking at my 'boyfriend'

"I love you, you know that"

'ugh, now we're starting with this again'

"Mhm" I hummed, looking away, the Albino boy can get on your nerves

And suddenly a little kid came and wanted to ask (R/G) to tie his shoes

Bad idea

"U-uh m-miss" the little boy stuttered, nudging me on my side

I groaned, turning around, making the little 5 year old boy even more nervous

"What?" I asked annoyed

"C-can you t-tie m-my shoes please,m-my mommy is busy with m-my baby brother and I can't do it myself..."

"No, I'm busy, why can't you see I'm on a date with my boyfriend, go to your mommie and ask her!" I yelled annoyed at him, he was on the verge of crying

How I hate kids...

"O-okay, s-s-sorry that I-I d-disturbed t-the both o-of y-you" he stuttered running away

"What a wimp..." I whispered

What I didn't notice was shu looked horrified, his girlfriend was just mean and harsh to a 5 year old boy, 5 year old!



"I-uh need to go now, see you...or maybe not" he said, whispering the last part so I couldn't understand it

"O-kay? I have something to do as well, so see you"


'(Y/N) would never have done something like that... what's wrong with (R/G), doesn't she like kids I mean, he was 5 years old...'

~ Your POV ~

Valt and I were taking a walk

Or should I say...

I'm taking a walk with my boyfriend

Yes, after all that drama with Shu we both got together, but I just don't think it feels right...I miss Shu, I hope he's happy with (R/G), ugh I don't like that girl, she is so mean and her brother is Lui, wait, Shu knows that, right?

A bush just moved itself

'is this Jesus?'

I quietly laughed, laughing about my own joke, but ey, my thoughts are funny

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