"Talk to me,"

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"Yes, but it's not like we can see-!" John had to cut Sherlock off, even though he never wanted to. He looked back to the flight attendant. He smiled sarcastically at her as she did the same thing. He turned back to the window and opened it. The view was beautiful. He wished he could be at Sherlock's house, looking at the sky with him. Sherlock had learned all of that Astronomy stuff just for John. The flight wasn't supposed to be more than two hours, so when he was in school, he downloaded three Doctor Who episodes, just in case. John had gone through one and half of another one by the time he was going almost insane. He stood and grabbed his Clarinet from his carry on. He was planning on just holding it and messing with the buttons to ease the shakiness of his nerves as he was heading to a new everything. "Hey, you play?" Someone in front of him asked. It was a girl almost his age. "Uhh, yes, I do, actually." John said. He girl sat in the empty seat next to him. "Hi, I'm Molly Hooper!" She said, excitedly. "I'm John." He responded hesitantly. "Where's your mum? Dad?" She asked. John grimaced, "I'm traveling alone today." He said. Molly's eyebrows popped up. "Where you headed, John." Molly asked as she looked him up and down. John took his phone and pulled up some texts, still being offline, to show Molly. "I'm headed to Jersey." He said. "Me, too!" She said. "Molly, dear. Sit back in your chair, dammit." A stern and masculine voice called from down the aisle. "Yes, I'm sorry, father." She responded timidly. "Yes, what, Molly?" The man barked. 'He held himself with a sort of military posture. He was fit, but letting himself go, he was younger hat most men on the plane, probably in his 40's.' John thought, then his thoughts were cut lose as Molly responded as she looked to the floor. "Yes, sir. Sorry, father." He man nodded, but didn't smile. "Hey, man. Just because you're in the military, doesn't mean you can treat her like that!" John's mouth slipped as he looked up at the man nonchalantly. "I mean, I get it. My father was in the military. The same war as you, no doubt, he's seen messed up shit, as well, but that absolutely does not give you the right to treat your loved ones like the enemy, got it?" He said, raising his eyebrows. "Oh, God, what's gotten into me...?" John mumbled as he put a shaky hand over his mouth. "I can raise my child the way I want to, kid. Her mother killed herself, so I gotta deal with her. In fact, I don't see your parents on here anywhere. Where's that Dad of yours, eh?" The man asked. "My father killed himself two years after he came back from the war, which caused my mum to go spiraling into drug and alcohol, not to mention, physical and verbal, abuse and she sold my sister, Harry, off to multiple men, before the government got ahold of the story and took us away. Now, my sister's back in London with her foster parent, who's trying to keep her from killing herself by drowning in alcohol, because she blames herself for the death of her soulmate, Clara Ozzborne. Yes, the one in space. I'm currently off to another family; staring over in Jersey, because they actually believe I have some kind of hope left." John explained flatly, making the pair uncomfortable. Normally, John wouldn't have exposed himself so quickly, but this man had to know that what he was doing was wrong. He grabbed his daughter's arm and pulled her to her seat. John shoved a mute in his clarinet and played Sing Sang Sung, angrily, about six times before they landed.

"Bye, Molly. Stay strong." John waved at the girl with a single ponytail as she was pulled away by her father, beginning to blend in to he crowd. "Do the same, alright, John? Continue playing; it's what you do best!" She called as she disappeared into the other people. John looked at his watch. "I should try to get ahold of Sherlock." He told himself, worriedly, "He might be worried." John shook his head on the idea of calling him back and instead texted the number back. "I've landed, now. -JW" John put his mobile in his pocket as he made his way hastily to the meeting place that was properly agreed upon between the family.

"John Watson," He introduced himself with a formal handshake. "You greet yourself like a German, John." The father laughed. 'There's a father,' John thought as he raised his eyebrows and instinctively chuckled at the comment, 'Interesting. I've never had a 'father' before.' He introduced himself to the other members of the family as they were more than happy to have this young man stay with them. "You're so formal, John. Your prior family must've raised you right." The mother said with a reassuring smile. "Yes, well, Aunt Nelissa was very pleasant to live with." John smiled. "It was only you two?" One of the kids asked. "Oh, no, Harry, my older sister, was there, too. She's still there, actually." He said, letting his smile fall only for a moment, before getting a text. "Excuse me," He said as he pulled his phone from his pocket, "Sherlock's very upset; he's gone into his head. He's been there for a while. He drank Orange juice in front of his father, John. What have you done to my brother? -MH/L" John's chest felt very tight. "I'm sorry, Mycroft. I hadn't meant for my leaving to hurt anyone. -JW" John replied with a sigh as he put his mobile back into his pocket. "Who was that?" The same kid asked, leaning in. "A friend of mine, from home." John said. "Oh, what's it like, living in London!?" Another kid asked, throwing out his hands to spin as if he were in a movie. "Very populated, I guess. A lot of people, for sure." John confirmed with a chuckle. "Phillip, stop. You're acting like an idiot." Another boy pushed the boy who was spinning. "I hope you don't mind having more than one sibling now, John." The father asked.

John arrived to the two story rancher and was shown around. "Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, this is lovely." John said, breathlessly. The view from his room window was so beautiful. He could sit up on the balcony and point out the stars to- 'oh, right,' John's thoughts stopped, 'This isn't London,' John reminded himself. "What's wrong, John?" Phillip asked. "Nothing. It's just-I'm beginning to be homesick, is all." John answered. "Don't throw up on me!" He shouted. "Not like that, Idiot!" Phillip's older brother, Andrew, shouted as he pushed his underling once more. They began shouting and Andrew chased Phillip out. There was also a young girl who was John's age. Her name was Janine. She was helping John unpack. "So, are you single?" She asked. "I'm trying to stay unattached, because I had to end it with a girl that I very much fancied in London today, but I still have contact, so it's not the end of the world." John explained as he set up his clarinet stand net to his bedside table. "Are you interested in a relationship?" She asked, "because I know a girl who would be all over you right now." She offered, making John's eyebrows rise instantly. He slowly turned to look at her. "Oh, really?" John smirked. "And, Who might that be, then, your bff at school?" John questioned teasingly.

Janine quickly reduced the space between them. She took John's old jacket by the collar flaps and pulled him down for a kiss. She moved forward, while John was still in shock, pushing him to his new bed. John placed his hands to Janine's hips and pushed her up. He sat up and moved himself, panicking, to the head board of his bed, but the effort was fruitless as she crawled toward John and touched John's knee with her chest. "I-I... I can't do that, Janine!" John said, but was silenced with another one sided kiss that John trusty wished he wasn't taking part in. From John's back pocket, his phone began to ring. He took it out and recognized the number almost instantly. John turned his head, breaking the kiss. "It's.. my boyfriend, so." John lied nervously. Janine immediately sat up with a confused look on her face as she looked John up and down. "But you said you just broke up with a girl," she recalled, "I'm bisexual," John chuckled, shrugging his shoulders and answer the phone. "Hello?" He greeted. "John, thank heavens!" Greg's voice sounded from the other line. "Ah, Greg. How is he?" John asked, looking at Janine as she was still sitting there, obviously not buying the whole gay spiel. "Could you put him on for me? I've missed him terribly!" John said through the phone. He waited as he heard Sherlock shouting at Greg and calling him the wrong name and instinctively chuckled. "Hello?" Sherlock said. John took in a breath and held it there, unaware that Sherlock's voice when he'd just gotten back to reality could she do different from his normal voice. "Ah, Hello, Sherlock." John said stiffly as he was trying to souls normal, but he'd actually missed the boy so much that he could weep at the sight of him. John let out a nervous chuckle when he heard a very breathless, "John," from the other end of the line. "Yes, yes, it's me." John said. "Are you okay?" He asked. The other line was somewhat quiet, other than Sherlock's door shutting, then a, "John, are you alone?" Sherlock asked very loudly. John's eyes flickered from his lap, to Janine as he'd forgotten she was there. She nodded as she wanted John to go on with the conversation. "Yes, I am. What's up?" John answered. "This stays absolutely between the two of us, John, okay?" Sherlock asked seriously, making John hold his breath in anticipation of what was to come, "yes," John answered. "I've been thinking of our first kiss," John's eyes widened. "You cheeky bugger...!" John chuckled. "Where do you get off at?!" He asked, laughing. "Mmmm," Sherlock hummed, "our third snog." He said, making John bust out laughing, a huge blush on his face. Janine gasped and quickly got off of the bed. She quickly stormed out and ran down the stairs. From there, a scream was heard, "John's Gay!!!" Making John's laughing increase. "How did you know?" He asked once his laughing calmed.

Soulmate Au but it's Johnlock! (UNDER HEAVY EDITING- 10/19/2020)Where stories live. Discover now