"You have a talent for making me love you,"

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John was basically putty in Sherlock's hands, now, but he needed to concentrate and continue with the song. "Such a waste, your beautiful face. Stumbling carpet arise. Go follow your gem, your white feathered Friend. Icarus point to the sun." Sherlock sang as his eyes unconsciously landed to John's again. He felt his heart tighten as he saw the smile on the blonde boy's face. He also noticed John was close to crying. "If History speaks of two baby teeth, I'm painting the hills blue and red." Sherlock's face flushed at John's attentive nature. During this performance or not. All throughout their friendship Sherlock had opened up about more things than he had to his brother or parents. He trusted John with his life and his heart. "They said beware, Lord hear my prayer. I've wasted my throes on your head." He sang. His voice calm and smooth and low, while his heart was pounding in his chest as it tightened, he was worried it would break a rib. "So, can we be friends, sweetly, before the mystery ends?" He sang and he locked eyes with John, "I love you more than the world can contain in its lonely and ramshackle Head."

As he took a deep breath in, just like the artist had, he shyly turned away as the crowd roared in applause. Sherlock felt tears down his face as he saw John running down the aisle and climbing the stairs quickly. Sherlock turned to face John and was almost toppled over by John crashing into a hug, holding him tightly, pulling him close and never wanting to let go. The audience whistled and cheered and as John's grip loosened a bit, Sherlock saw John's face as he pulled back from the hug. He chuckled a bit and wiped his tears from under his eyes, making the nose guards of his glasses scrape against the top of his eyelids. Sherlock took off John's glasses and looked at him fondly, John's blue eyes softened as he leaned in. 'He really has no shame,' Sherlock thought as he chuckled at John's advances and closed the space between them. Their lips collided with unforgettable passion and the memories of the intimacy flooded through his head. They parted from the kids for Sherlock to say, i don't care about the rest of the event; let's get out of here." He smirked as John's face flushed and Sherlock pulled John offstage.

John called his aunt and asked if he can get picked up early. She asked if anything was wrong and John answered, everything went right. "She'll be here in ten minutes." John said, knocking on the stall door of the Louis. Sherlock was sitting on the Louis head in his hands, trying to calm himself down. He was having mood swings, since he was going cold turkey on his medication and drugs. When Sherlock opened the door, he leaned his head on John's shoulder and whined, "uuughh, I need one." John sighed, "No, Sherlock, we agreed. Cold Turkey. You're doing really well and it'd be a shame if you were to mess it up." He said sternly. Sherlock smirked a bit. "You'd make a sexy soldier," Sherlock bit his lip as he walked past a dumbfounded John to stand in the hallway. "No fair, Sherlock...!" He heard from inside the room.

John's aunt arrived when she promised. The two boys sat in the back seat of Nelissa's truck and buckled up. John leaned his head on Sherlock's shoulder and Sherlock kissed the top of John's head, feeling the smooth texture and fresh smell of the boy's sandy blonde hair. "I like you, Sherlock." John muttered. "I think we're beyond 'Liking' one another, John." Sherlock responded with a laugh. John chuckled but stayed quiet for the rest of the ride to his house. Upon walking through the door, Sherlock was greeted with a new face, skeptically inspecting him as he took his coat off and hung it like he owned the place. "Oh, you must be John's Mother." Sherlock assumed. "And you are?" She asked, sounding ready to judge, but wore a half-smile. "I'm Sherlock Holmes." Sherlock introduced, shaking her hand rather timidly. "Oh, you're the very much talked about Sherlock! John is absolutely crazy about you...!" She said, laughing as she gave Sherlock an unexpected hug. As Sherlock was released, he looked to John, smirked, and purred, "Is that so?" raising his eyebrow in curiosity. He saw John's face flush up. "Yeah, yeah, tease me about it later. Right now, Sherlock, this is my mum, Ophelia Rosamunde Watson." John said, stepping behind his mother to bring his hands to her shoulders. He gestured from Sherlock to his mother, and his mother to Sherlock, "Mummy, this is Sherlock," John took in a deep breath of anxiety, "He's my soulmate." He managed to get the words out in a single clear sentence, which made Sherlock's heart almost stop.

Sherlock's eyes were widened and his face was flushed with embarrassment. "D-did you, ah, did you say...?" Sherlock stammered out. His throat was closing and he felt like he couldn't breathe. "J-John, am I really your... s-soulmate?" He asked. Sherlock was ready to cry either way. If John wasn't serious, Sherlock would've cried for the fact that the man he loved would've thought it was funny to pretend like they belonged together, breaking Sherlock's heart when he found the didn't. If what John said was true, Sherlock would be on cloud nine. True paradise would be hell if John wasn't there with him, as his soulmate. And Sherlock would know that they didn't need to worry about anything happening in their relationship. He could love John with no regrets. Not that Sherlock would ever regret loving John. John slowly nodded his head. Sherlock chuckled a bit, turning a way to run his hand through his hair and rest the other in his pocket, only to turn back and cross his arms. "Y-you're totally serious? No joke? We're soulmates, then?" Sherlock asked, tears drenching his cheeks. "Sherlock...!" John aid as he left his mother and hugged Sherlock, giving him a shoulder to cry on. "I'm totally serious. No joke. We're soulmates." They stood there for a while and John pulled away a bit, "Hey," John said, "I've been in love with you since I played Sing, Sang, Sung," he admitted. "John," Sherlock whined as he wiped his face of the tears, excess mucus and saliva, and the frown to replace it with a sweet smile. Sherlock looked at John's lips and leaned in to pursue them with his own.

Soulmate Au but it's Johnlock! (UNDER HEAVY EDITING- 10/19/2020)Where stories live. Discover now