"In-Patient take aways,"

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After dinner, Sherlock went to take a shower. He was going to scrub all of the writing off of himself. Sherlock actually wanted to be a normal kid for once in his life. He assumed that ever since John left and he got with Jim, he's been acting out for attention. 'Well,' Sherlock thought, 'The most normal thing for a teenager to do when Snogging prior, is to wank with it replaying in your head.' And, that's what he did. Sherlock stepped out of the shower and dried off before putting on a tank top and jeans he dug for from the bottom of his drawer from when Graham secretly bought him normal clothes during a break. Sherlock plopped on his bed and looked at himself in the mirror. Sherlock took his phone from his pocket and downloaded some social medias kn there. He opened one and signed up. After that, Sherlock took a picture of himself in the mirror. He was nervous about posting it. He was insecure about himself, but when he did he almost instantly got likes for it. One girl commented, "I think it's very reassuring that someone as handsome as yourself is a supporter of suicide prevention." Sherlock's eyebrows furrowed. "How could you tell?" He replied. Sherlock didn't get an instant reply, but he got one, nonetheless. "The semicolon on your wrist, silly." She also put a smiley emoticon. Sherlock looked at his arm and saw a cartography line with a semicolon in the space. He furrowed his eyebrows.

  The next day, Sherlock forgot his phone because he was running lat, but it wasn't like he was supposed to text someone, or anything. When Sherlock got home with Jim, however, Mycroft and Gregson were waiting in the car to take him somewhere. After a lot of protest, Sherlock got into the car and buckled up. Mycroft and Graham were giving Sherlock worries looks all over. "When will we get home? I want to call and see if John's okay. We could catch up on Astronomy night." Sherlock said, somewhat hopeful to start conversation. "Sherlock, you're not going home. Not for a week, at least." Greg said softly. Sherlock's fake smile dropped with his eyebrows. "What?" He asked, thinking he heard incorrectly. "Well, we're taking you somewhere that can help you, okay?" Somewhere you'll feel safe and where you can talk to people who can help you." Gavin have a soft smile. "Where exactly am I staying for a week, then?" Sherlock asked. "You're going to an in-patient unit in the St. Bart's Hospital." Mycroft said, wearing a tight frown.

  As they got to the hospital, Gavin took two bags of clothes from the back and they walked in like a dysfunctional unit. A horrible family. "I still don't understand." Sherlock said as Mycroft was checking Sherlock into the hospital. The three of them were sitting in the evaluation room and Sherlock was answering the questions he was given to him. The people asked for a drug test and that's what caught Sherlock off guard. "Uhh, no thank you." Sherlock said. "Why is that?" The doctor asked. "I don't have to go." He lied. "That's alright. Then, we'll just take a blood test." He said, smiling a bit. Sherlock went pale. "Fine! Fine!! I'll... I'll do it..." He groaned in defeat. "I didn't know you did drugs," Graham said, sounding a bit angered toward the boy, until he caught himself when  Mycroft lightly slapped his shoulder. "Sorry! My DI side coming out." He sighed.

  Sherlock was walked down the hall and towards the main area. As soon as the doors opened. He was being gawked at by other kids from the 13 to 17 range of age. Some were talking, some were writing in very similar books with very small, eraser-less pencils, and others were in the entertainment room. There were a group that played cards, and another that were on a wii, laughing about some ridiculous mii they made. Sherlock sighed heavily. He made his way to a secluded table. He asked for a marker and there was only a blue one. 'Thanks for this. I'm in in-patient, now!' He scribbled as the others gathered near the door for a pause time. "Hey, What are you doing?" Someone asked. Sherlock lifted his head to see a young girl standing next to a young boy. "Writing to my Soulmate." Sherlock said as he rolled his eyes. "We're going to the gymnasium. You wanna come with?" She asked. "Is it mandatory?" Sherlock asked with a slight smile. "Yes." She answered returning the tall boy's smile with her own. "Yeah, I'm not going." Sherlock scoffed as he groaned and arched his arm, waiting for a response.

  In-patient was hell. Mainly for two reasons. One, he had to 'Participate,' and two, every night, there was parents and family and friends visiting the other patients, but Sherlock was always alone, proving that he was truly alone and hat nobody cared about him. "William Holmes! You've got a visitor." A nurse called, making everyone go quiet. "You've got me mixed with someone else, ma'am-!" Sherlock started as he stood and turned away from the Mii Hitler he was creating, but his breath caught in his lungs. He ripped the safety straps from his wrist and quickly dashed to the main area to attack the visitor with a hug. "It's been hell, and I'm sorry! I know that it's hard, being someone without a soulmate, and I'll start listening to you! I won't delete anything you say, even if it makes me feel like my chest is imploding after I hear them. I'll endure the pain! Anything! Just, don't stop being my friend." Sherlock basically sobbed as he buried his face in John's neck. "Let's sit," John laughed.

  John and Sherlock moved two seats from the normal tables, near the window. The kids weren't allowed outside, but they had this huge glass window that took up the space of a wall, so they could see what time of day it was. "I missed you," John said, blushing. "I missed you, too, John." Sherlock smiled. "I heard what happened. Your soulmate's a real sod, eh?" John joked, chuckling. "Meh, I mean, I don't actually know him, so I wouldn't know..." Sherlock muttered, embarrassed as he looked out the window. "North Star," Sherlock pointed out. "You know what that means?" John mused as his eyes were glued to Sherlock. "Little dipper?" Sherlock chuckled. "Sure, I suppose, but," John said, softly placing his hand over Sherlock's as he leaned over the table to meet Sherlock's lips with his own sweetly. "You're almost home." John whispered. Parting their lips with a smile as the nurse in the background let her voice ring through the room. "Two more minutes, visitors!" John sat back down. "John, I'm home if I'm wherever you are." Sherlock's low voice mused with a seductive smirk on his face. "Are you flirting with me, Sherlock Holmes?" John asked, placing his hand on his chest and leaning back with a smile on his face. "What would you say if I had?" Sherlock wondered aloud, playfully kicking John's feet. "Shouldn't you stick to what you're good at?" John said, leaning in once again. "Which would be?" Sherlock mused as he, too, leaned in before tilting his head and flickering his eyes to John's lips once more. Sherlock was basically begging for a kiss. John smiled. "I have no idea," he scoffed before quickly leaning back, and laughing as Sherlock poured in his seat. "Orion's belt," John said, excitedly as he pointed to a cluster of stars in the sky. "Nuh-uh-!" Sherlock tried as he immediately leaned toward the window, but John quickly kissed him on the cheek. "I know," "Visitors! It's time to go!!" The nurse's voice thundered once more throughout the main room. "John," Sherlock said, holding onto John's hoodie sleeve as John was standing up. "I don't belong here," he desperately said, "I know, Sherlock." John scoffed, "You love yourself too much to commit suicide." John gave Sherlock a strong hug. 'I love you too much,' Sherlock screamed in his mind, 'I don't care about anyone more than I do you, John!' "Visitors!!" The nurse had it out for them, Sherlock swore.

  The discharge date had finally come and he was then-on known as, by the prepubescent children, as the, 'smooth criminal,' Sherlock was fine with that. He was kind of scared about seeing John again. He'd kissed Sherlock during their makeshift Astronomy night, so what was happening with them? Surely, it was nothing. John was probably back with Mary by now. So, what did it matter? At least there was one thing Sherlock took away from this program that was good. He remains the reigning champion of Questions! And, he learned about a new song. He had it stuck in his head all night long, waiting to look up the few lyrics in his head at home. When Mycroft opened the door, Sherlock's heart almost stopped as he saw John on the couch, sitting awkwardly with Jim's eyes burning in the back of his head. "Uhh," Sherlock broke the silence as he saw John look up and smile at Sherlock. John let out a great sigh of relief as if he was happy to see Sherlock. Sherlock's face flushed at that smile, then the lanky boy's eyes fell on Jim, who looked perfectly livid.

Soulmate Au but it's Johnlock! (UNDER HEAVY EDITING- 10/19/2020)Where stories live. Discover now