"Sing, Sang, Sung - Solo!"

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John's heart was beating him his head, that's what it felt like. He was practicing all day for the day he'd perform with the Central London Orchestra, performing with them at a rich kids' school, and get the Clarinet solo. He'd found this out last week, when he'd first found out. Apparently some students video'd John playing and put it on the internet to try and make fun of him and it sort of went a bit viral in the Jazz community. The instructor reached out to John's teacher and offered John a chance to perform. Of course, John would have to be completely daft to turn that down! So, he'd been at practice all during that week except for last night, when he'd broken his last reed. John's aunt drove him to the Music Shoppe and they'd both met Sherlock and his dad and big brother. Sherlock was pretty cool in John's opinion. He was there first kid whose first question is, 'So, can I see your soulmate sign?' Then, make fun of him for not having one. But, Sherlock was kind of awkward. He was about half a foot shorter than Joh was, so he had to look down in order to lock eyes with him.

  Upon arriving at John's school, his homeroom class all glared at him as he walked in. John was a quiet kid. He didn't bother any one and almost nobody bothered him. He called it an, 'Equivalent Exchange.' Some days, however, it came to pass that the unwritten rule meant that it was non existent. This, unfortunately, was one of those days.

  "Clarinet boy, play me a song! You're ever so clever with a wooden reed in your mouth, faggot!" The boys in the back laughed as he sat down in homeroom. He absolutely loathed these children that sometimes he wonders why he hadn't given them a backhand to their faces before. Why had he let this happen to him? And then, his reason walked right into the room. Mary Morstan. John sighed at the sight of her walking the hallways alone, her head down as all of The bullies immediately gravitated to John instead of her. He would be on the most wanted list of he found out someone was hurting her. He had to get closer to her, somehow. Maybe he should invite her to the open showcase tonight? Then, he could perform his solo and she would fall for him and he would get into a great music school and they'll get married and everything will good.

  John waited outside of the classroom and started walking with her when she walked out. "Hey, Mary." John said. "Um, Im doing a thing with the Central London Orchestra tonight, and I was wondering, if you would like to accompany me as my Plus one?" John stammered as he was trying to keep pace with her. She then stopped. "You're the mate-less Jazz geek, right?" She asked. John sighed of relief, "So, you know of me?" He chuckled. She smiled. "No thanks; I mean, you're cute and all, but..." She pauses, trying to find the words appropriate enough to skip him off tonight. But, then her eyes softened, "Alright, I'll go with you." She took out a bright pink marker and wrong her mobile number on John's arm. "Here's my number. Text me a picture of what you're wearing, and tell me when you're going to leave to pick me up, okay?" She demanded. John's face went a bright, hot red as she gave him a hug and ran off quickly to her first class. His ordeal made John increasingly late to his first hour class, since he went to the gentleman's room to splash water on his face to make sure it wasn't a dream, but when he lifted his head up, John locked his eyes with the pink marker.

  John had gotten all types of roughed up later that day, but it didn't even matter. He was taking Mary out on a date. As soon as John got home, he ran to his room and pulled out his CLO uniform. He took a picture of it and sent it in a text to Mary. Hen, he practiced. It wasn't until after John's routine 'Clarinet Check-Up' That he got a text back from her. "Okay, it's her!" John said excitedly as he showed his aunt the phone with her name and number. "You actually did it!" She squeaked. He opened the text and read it. 'That looks qte. Cant w8 to see you up on stage 2nite.' John thought for sure that he was dreaming when he'd read the text. His aunt was looking a bit less than pleased when she saw the look on John's face. He was getting way too hype for this date. It was an open showcase, not a dinner. John had to focus. "John," His aunt repeated, "John, I'm happy hat she's coming and all, but you need to focus, or you might mess up on stage." She spoke in a soft voice. John had quickly gotten serious about the task at hand. After another practice run, John and his aunt are dinner and John got showered and dressed. He'd brought everything possible for the performance. He was confident, yet not cocky. He'd texted Mary right after he got out of the shower: 'we're getting ready to leave; What's your address?' He dried his hair and heard the buzz of his mobile. '[Address] and send me a pic of u in ur uniform, pls.' John didn't hesitate. He jumped into his Band uniform and took a mirror selfie and sent it to her. It wasn't like he was without a shirt, or making himself look embarrassingly cute or cringy; it was a normal selfie, with a faint shadow of a smile, but his dimples were the only thing he didn't like. 'Ur rlly cute~!' She replied. John's face blushed with bashfulness. John's aunt made it a point not to let John get caught up with this date to let his big shot wash down the drain. So, they practiced John's solo once more before leaving to get Mary from her house.

Soulmate Au but it's Johnlock! (UNDER HEAVY EDITING- 10/19/2020)Where stories live. Discover now